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7 brilliant uses for mouthwash that you probably didn’t know


While mouthwash is a great way to stay ahead of your dental hygiene, it can actually be used around the home. This versatile household product can be used in so many different ways. Here’s a list of some of them:

1. Treat your nail fungus immediately: If you’re seeing first signs of a fungal infection or are hoping to prevent it from getting started at all, grab a bottle of mouthwash.Make a 1:1 solution of mouthwash and white vinegar, and apply to the affected area with a cotton wool pad two to three times a day. In the case of fungal infections, prevention is better than cure since once you’re infected, it’s difficult to eradicate.

2. Reduce the appearance of a bruise: If you’re someone who bruises easily, and have had a knock to your body that you know is going to result in a bruise, immediately rub some mouthwash in to the area. You can help prevent the bruise from developing too dark. Epsom salts also work extremely well to soothe inflamed or bruised skin if you don’t have a bottle of mouthwash to hand.

3. Refresh your feet after a long day: If you’ve been on your feet all day, give yourself a refreshing foot soak by mixing a cup of mouthwash into water. This will refresh and soften your feet as well as kill any bad bacteria that might be brewing.

4. Treat mild cases of dandruff: Tried everything to treat your dandruff?  Use an alcohol based mouthwash as a rinse after you shampooing your hair. Do this a few times a week and you should start to see an improvement.

5. Emergency toilet bowl cleaner: Having visitors and your toilet bowl needs a clean, but you’ve run out of bleach? No problem! Just grab some mouthwash and pour it around the bowl and leave it to sit for a few hours. Give it a clean with a toilet brush and flush through for a sparkling toilet bowl.

6. Deep clean your skin: An astringent is a water-based solution, that when applied to skin, is meant to shrink or constrict the skin and close pores so skin feels tighter. Many people use toner as opposed to an astringent these days, but if used occasionally it can help remove dirt, makeup and oil from the skin that cleansers can miss. Dilute mouthwash and water in your mouthwash cap and pour onto a cotton pad before applying to your skin to use as an astringent.

7. Keep your cut flowers fresher for longer: Mix one tablespoon of mouthwash to 2 litres of water and replace the water in the flower vase with this mixture. It will help kill the bacteria that accelerates decomposition and make your flowers last longer.

Have you used any of these tips, or do you have any to add?

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