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Harry Potter short story live on Pottermore website!


The boy we have watched grow up over 17 years is back again. We went through ups and downs, we cried with him, we cried for him. We were angered by the people who tried to hurt him and loved the friends that helped to save him. But, overnight we were told that his story has not come to an end.

JK Rowling the author that captured not only one generation but several in the best selling book series of all time, has gifted her fans with a treat overnight.

Rowling released a blog post on the official Harry Potter blog, Pottermore, that is a short story about the infamous Harry Potter with his best friends Ron and Hermione coming together at a reunion with their other friends at a Quidditch World Cup final.

If you’re unfamiliar with the Harry Potter series, Quidditch is the high-profile sport played in the wizarding world. Perhaps Rowling was inspired to write it amidst the celebrations of the soccer world cup?

The story is a 1,500-word piece written in the form of an article in popular wizard newspaper, the Daily Prophet. Notorious journalist Rita Skita writes it as she muses over juicy gossip about the three friends and their lives to date.

So, if you were a fan of the Harry Potter story, find out what our favourite wizard is up to now by clicking here and signing up to the Pottermore website. Or, share this article with your children and grandchildren if they’re fans…

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by Linda Campbell