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Grandson surprises his nana on the radio


One young man just put himself in the running for grandson of the year after concocting a special plan to wish his nana a happy 86th birthday.

David Goodings set up a camera in his car before he picked up his nana to take her for a drive on her birthday.

The two are seen listening to the radio when the broadcast is interrupted with ‘breaking news’.

“We interrupt this broadcast to bring you some breaking news, please listen very carefully,” the presenter said.

“Iris Howard is celebrating her birthday, commonly known for winning the best nan competition for ten years in a row.

“The 86-year-old is often described as an incredible person and loved by all her friends and family.”

Iris looks at the radio in surprise while David looks at her grinning from ear to ear.

The radio presenter goes on to say, “Time now to hear some birthday messages”, before Iris’ family can be heard sending their best wishes through the radio.

Many of the messages are from her other grandchildren as well as her own children and her brother who lives in Australia!

Noticing his grandmother tearing up, David turns to her saying: “Nan, don’t get emotional!

“I didn’t want to upset you. We just wanted to show you how much you mean to us. I feel guilty now.”

A clearly ecstatic Iris laughs and tells him she’s just happy.

The video has already amassed millions of views with thousands of people jumping on board to wish Iris a happy birthday.

Take a look and tell us, did it bring a tear to your eye? If you love, share it!

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