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Funniest road signs you’ll only see in Australia

Jun 05, 2017

Oh, Australia! You have one heck of a sense of humour and it just takes a drive along one of the many roads throughout the country to realise that. Whether you’re in the outback, the suburbs or in the middle of the city, there are a whole bunch of funny road signs that will make you stop, take a second look and have a bit of a giggle before you drive on. Here are 10 of the funniest road signs that you’ll only ever see in Australia. 

1. This sign of a cow eating a car:

#australianroadsigns #carcrashwarning #whatawaytodie #mooooover

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3. This helpful, if not slightly annoyed, sign:

How sensible! #AustralianRoadSigns #ParksVictoria

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5. The only place you’ll see snakes, cows, kangaroos and lizards all get right of way:

6. The unfortunately plight of this cassowary:

#capetribulation #australianroadsigns #australianeastcoast #cassowaries

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8. And the most terrifying:

Beware of devils! #Tasmania #TasmanianDevil #AustralianRoadsigns

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9. This blunt warning:

Well alllllrighty then! They don’t beat around the bush out here #AustralianRoadSigns

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10. A warning to those thinking about dancing on the side of a cliff:

What are some of the funniest road signs you’ve ever seen around Australia? Share them with us on Facebook!

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