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Anyone who loves to entertain will love this…


Entertaining is one of life’s joys. You can invite friends and family into your home and your life, share a meal together, enjoy conversation and build beautiful relationships. As we get older, keeping those social connections becomes so important and entertaining becomes an important part of making that happen.

There’s a misconception that leaving the family home, downsizing or moving into a village creates barriers to entertaining and keeping those social connections alive. However the reality is very different.

Retirement village living gives you more time, more resources and more ability to entertain in so many different ways. Today we’re taking a look at some of these and how they can open up your ability to entertain while enjoying a village lifestyle.


It’s your house and you can invite as you like…

The first great thing is that your house is still your own so you can entertain in your home whenever you like! You can have visitors come any time and if you have a spare bedroom you can still have people stay with you. This is especially great for school holidays with the grandkids. Retirement villages have homes with full kitchens so you can cook for them in your own home too – nothing changes from the family home!


You don’t have to cook or clean if you don’t want to…

If you find cooking for a large number difficult or you simply don’t want the hassle, many retirement villages have on site cafes and restaurants that you can use. You can even host large functions like birthday parties or family events at these venues and have them catered too.


There’s more things to do…

There are so many recreational facilities at a retirement village and they’re there for your visitors to use too! You can take the grandkids for a swim, play tennis on tennis courts, go for walks around the facility and even bring them to some activity groups like craft or village events like trivia nights! The grandkids won’t be “bored” by visiting you – in fact you’re likely to have more things to do than ever!


There are plenty of spaces for use…

At most retirement villages you have a myriad of spaces available for entertaining outside the comfort of your own home. You can use recreational rooms, outside areas for barbecues and some even have grassy areas perfect for picnics. There’s lots of variety! If you don’t want to use your home or you’re having a larger number of people you can book an area out and use that.


You don’t have to stay in the village…

There’s nothing stopping you from leaving the village and spending time at cafes, restaurants or the homes of friends and family. Most villages are located near shopping and dining precincts as well as social clubs and facilities so there’s no reason not to entertain outside of your home and the village too.


You see, the village lifestyle gives you more opportunities to entertain and keep connected with your friends and family. Although you can always visit them, go on holidays together and spend as much time away from the village as you like, you can also bring them inside and invite them into your life. There’s plenty of facilities and no reason not to!

Do you enjoy entertaining? How do you entertain now?


This article is sponsored by Aveo retirement villages. For more information on your lifestyle options take a look at the Aveo website or call 13 28 36. Please note this article was written independently by the Starts at 60 team as it provides insights to, what we feel is, valuable and relevant content for our community.

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