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Things I’d like my younger self to know


Whether it might just be the years of experience that life throws our way, or just learning from life’s hard lessons, by 60, most people have the hindsight to know which decisions were good ones and which ones were not the best that we could have made. Whether you’re a firm believer in “everything happens for a reason” or you wish could travel back in time, you’ve probably learned a thing or two from your failures. It’s inevitable to reflect about what you’ve achieved or failed at, and what’s left of your life ahead.

Often, people in their golden years find themselves wishing they could tell their younger selves some things about how life really works, about what’s real and true, and just getting rid of preconceptions and assumptions they had ‘back in those days’. In an article on Huffington Post, readers and fans were asked what they thought every adult half their age should know, and this is what they said:

  1. Consider health issues. It is important that you look after yourself as you age – and this doesn’t mean just giving up on bad habits. It means paying close attention to what your body is telling you, and actually listening. Maybe you need more vitamins, or you need to control your sugar intake – these help to avoid health problems later in life.
  2. Speak up more. This is something that is so important in the world we live in today. Speak up – for the disadvantaged, the shy ones, and even for yourself. Someone needs to take a stand – why don’t you be the one that does it?
  3. Know when to walk away. Whether it is from a toxic friendship or relationship, or from a situation that will only deteriorate if you stuck around, it is important to know when to walk away – and to ensure you do it.
  4. Save more money. Pack your lunch, save for things that matter to you rather than spending frivolously, and know what your dreams are. You need to be financially prepared to fulfil your dreams, and that can only begin by having better saving habits.
  5. Travel more. Before life weighs you down and you get lost in the chaos of the real world, take a break and explore – be it the world or your own backyard. See that local exhibit you always wanted to, visit the Pyramids of Egypt, do what your heart desires. Should you choose to wait, there’s a chance that you may never get around to travelling – and that is one of the greatest regrets of those with ailments and/or financial burdens in their golden years.
  6. Incur less debt. Don’t get a credit card for ‘extra spending’ – it needs to be something you get only in case of emergencies. Also, paying it off as soon as possible improves your credit history, helping you gain a mortgage later in life.
  7. Be yourself. Trust your instincts, they’re rarely off the mark. Be true to yourself and honor your own identity.
  8. Think carefully before marriage. While there’s no hard and fast rule on when’s the right time to get married, always making sure that the relationship is one you want for the long-term is vital.
  9. Get a better education. Too many of us have wasted precious moments because we’re too busy with life, or worrying about the next career move. Life is short – linger, and cherish every moment of it.
  10. Slow down. Too many of us have wasted precious moments because we’re too busy with life, or worrying about the next career move. Life is short – linger, and cherish every moment of it.

What would you add to the list?

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