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Flashback: The many lives of Shirley MacLaine


The life of Shirley MacLaine is one of a troubled start, success, and legendary status in Hollywood. She is also heavily into New Age spirituality and has discovered many of her past lives as she teaches others what she has learned.

The older sister of Warren Beatty had a poor upbringing with her dinnertime diet mostly consisting of crackers with hot sauce on them. She was a dedicated ballet student even performing an entire ballet after she had broken her ankle while warming up. That’s tough. It was the same kind of toughness that she would need to hold her own on screen against the likes of Frank Sinatra

And fellow Rat Pack Member Dean Martin.

She could hold her own sharing the screen with icons like Audrey Hepburn

And there is her Oscar-winning role in Terms of Endearment. She turned down the lead role in Poltergeist to make this. Good choice!

However, no matter how many great roles she’s had on the screen, 74 roles and counting, she will also be remembered for her discovery of her past lives.

What is your favourite role of Shirley’s? Do you also share her beliefs in past lives? Have you discovered any of yours? We would love to hear them in the comments below.

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