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Paving the way: All the big changes Baby Boomers made in the world

Oct 13, 2019
From technology to music, the Baby Boomers have made some pretty significant changes in their time! Source: Getty.

It seems like there are endless attacks on Baby Boomers these days, especially over the past couple of years, so it’s time we had a look back at all the good changes this generation made in the world we know and love today. From science and technology to arts and music – here are just a few of the best parts about being a Boomer in history!

Kicking off the conservation fight

The first Earth Day in 1970 saw millions of people rally together to save the planet. Source: Getty.

Environmental conservation is a hot topic these days with protests and activists at every corner fighting for the rights of the planet. But what people might forget is that this isn’t the first time the world has been held at a standstill to protect the planet. In 1970, a similar situation was happening around the same time that anti-war protests were breaking out onto the streets.

And with a counterculture in young people growing stronger each day, the Earth Day rallies were created as a way of bringing awareness to the negative effects of man-made pollution. Today, Earth Day stands strong as environmental conservation has seen a resurgence in Millennials looking to follow the path that was paved by similarly passionate Baby Boomers.

Set sights on the internet

This was the exact computer used by Tim Berners-Lee to devise the World Wide Web in 1990. Source: Getty.

These days it’s the biggest driving force in society and those who don’t own their own computer or smart phone can be considered out of the norm. But back in the day, if you were to tell a young Baby Boomer that you could use an online search engine to find the answer to any and all questions known to man – they would’ve looked at you like you were crazy!

However, that was until revolutionary Boomer computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web and truly changed the course of history. Now without those initial steps, there would be no Google, Twitter, Facebook or Instagram for today’s youngsters to enjoy!

Shaped music and music culture

The Beatles burst onto the scene and created a wave that had never been seen before. Source: Pexels.

If it wasn’t for the support Baby Boomers had for art culture in their day, things in the movie and music worlds today would be vastly different. With musical phenomenons like Elvis Presley and The Beatles, Baby Boomers were one of the first to really get fanatic over musicians and the thrilling lives they lived.

Meanwhile, films were also finally getting the mass following and excitement they deserved. For instance, the release of Jaws in 1975 changed the course of films forever due to it’s explosive reception. Other films like Star Wars created cult followings that started the trend of waiting for movie premiers and lining up around the block just to get tickets.

Got rid of the stigma around divorce

After the law was passed, the most divorced generation ever started. Source: Getty.

Prior to 1975, divorce was heavily frowned upon by those older generations who had stayed in their marriages despite all else. But things changed significantly in 1975, when Australia introduced the principle of no-fault divorce which meant neither partner had to be at fault anymore and relationships could be mutually broken down.

Following this new law, more people than ever called for a divorce as a way of escaping their unhappy marriages without suffering the stigma that previously hung around divorcees. Nowadays, divorce is simply a part of life for some people rather than a fault they should be ashamed of.

Changed travelling for good

Travelling solo was an idea that many youngsters in the ’70s kicked off as well. Source: Getty.

These days grey nomads are a dime a dozen. Baby Boomers are more eager than the young ones to get out and see the world, and they finally have the time to do it during retirement. But travelling isn’t something this generation has only just discovered.

In the ’70s, the idea of backpacking took off with young Boomers looking to travel everywhere. But prior to this, plenty of Boomers will remember travelling long hours in the car to head to the beach or road tripping down the coast with the family. Their history of seeing the world at a young age ignited a travel bug in them that has carried on through the generations!

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