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Leading a life of significance

Albert Einstein was one of the great physicists of all time. He gave us the theories of general and special relativity – all of which have been scientifically validated. He also gave us that famous yet simple equation, E=mc2.

Martin Luther King was known as the great American civil rights leader who changed a nation with his determination and skilled oratory. In fact, many consider his speech, “I have a dream”, the greatest of the 20th century.

Then there is Malala Yousafzai, not exactly a household name. She has recently come to international exposure because she was a young lady who was shot at age 15 by the Taliban because of her campaign to fight on behalf of the right of girls to receive an education. She made an amazing recovery and continued her battle for the rights of young girls.

So what do these three people have in common? If you said that they were all Nobel Prize winners, you are correct. The prize, however, is a recognition that they have led lives of significance. Significance gives our lives meaning. Many are searching for it and yet, sometimes it is staring them in the face.

We don’t have to be a Martin Luther King or an Einstein to be significant. If we look at the 7 areas of our lives: Spirituality, Mentality, Vocation, Financial, Physical, Family and Social, we may find where we have been very significant.

The parent that has been a mentor to a child or grandchild that has resulted in the child achieving greatness – that is a life-changing event and is worthy of acknowledgment. A health care practitioner, who because of taking care of a patient, has saved their life – that is significant. Adele and I, as a medical doctor and chiropractor, have seen this at work so often, that we don’t doubt we have made a significant contribution to humanity.

So where in your life have you been or are you significant? We all have particular talents and abilities, as well as life journeys, that allow us all to make an impact in this world. Did you help out a friend and because of what you said, he or she was able to salvage their life? Did you mentor people and because of your commitment, did it inspire others to succeed in their lives?

Sit down and scan through your life and see where you have been significant. If you still feel you haven’t been, then look at where you can still make a difference. Even if we are aged and don’t have the health we once had, we still have a mind that we can use and that is incredibly powerful.


Have you done anything significant lately or in your life? How do you help others day-to-day? Where do you want to make a difference? Tell us below.

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