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Jeanie’s international career change in her 60’s

Nov 30, 2013

It took just one month from Jeanie’s expression of interest in teaching English, to landing in Shanghai ready to start a new career in her 60’s. Have you had a similar journey to Jeanie?



For as long as I can remember I had wanted to travel. However this was not meant to be on any grand scale. Eventually my four children become adults and I became single again. Always there was the thought of travel… but how could I do this on limited funds?

I kept myself busy with any interesting activity that came my way. But the urge to downsize was strong. This continued for a few years until I only had things that I felt were necessary for daily life. Through all this I realized that lots of things were only “stuff” and were in no way going to make me feel content. Much of this “stuff” was necessary when I had mine and other children living with me, but they had now moved on.

While attending a wedding I chatted with a woman whom I vaguely knew. She needed a ride home as she had sold her car. As she lived in my area I offered her a lift. On the way home I asked her why had she sold her car.
“I am going to China to teach English”.
“How wonderful” I replied.
“You can do it too,” she said
“But unlike you I’m not a teacher” I informed her.
“That’s no problem.”

She gave me an agent’s contact details to whom I promptly sent off an inquiry. Back came the answer. “Can you be in China by the 3rd of Jan 2003?” It was the 3rd of Dec 2002.

I could not believe it was this easy, but I moved into high gear and got organized. With my credit card I bought a one way ticket to Shanghai. Xmas gave me a chance to say goodbye to family and friends and on the evening of 2nd of Jan 03 I was on my way to China.

I knew nothing about China. I had read several books set in China, but they had taught me very little. I had no idea about the language, culture or how to use chopsticks. My inability to use chopsticks proved to be quite embarrassing as my first meal upon arrival was a welcome dinner with the headmaster and staff of the school I would be working at.

I gave little thought to what I was actually going to do when I arrived at my school as I had been in Sales and Marketing for many years and a Toastmaster so speaking or teaching was not an issue for me. The agent had neglected to tell me where I was going exactly, only that someone would meet me at Shanghai airport.

I went outside to the waiting area in the airport where many people were standing around holding names, some not clearly visible, as they were distracted chatting. I inspected all the names. No one wanted to meet me. What now? I asked the policeman standing nearby if he spoke English. “Yes I do”. Wonderful relief! I told him my dilemma. He asked for the agents’ details, got out his mobile phone and called him.

“Someone will arrive to pick you up in two hours” he told me.
I later discovered that the agent had forgotten to tell the school I was arriving. Exactly two hours later two young guys raced towards me.
“Are you Jeanie?” Relief all round with lots of apologies. It was a two-hour drive to the school. And so began my adventures in China.

Before my 1st year contract was over I knew that I didn’t want to return home. China is such a huge, diverse, interesting country and I wanted to see more of it and by moving to another area I could see much more than I would just by traveling. I’m not a very good tourist. I was very sad to leave my first school, as I really loved it there.

I decided to relocate somewhere to the south of China where maybe the winters were warmer. They were not! But once you know how the system works it’s very easy to get a job.

I had many different teaching experiences; Kindergarten (not my favourite) a privately owned primary school, private tuition, primary middle school, secondary schools, English training college for mature age students and company staff.

I don’t have an ear for languages though I learnt many Chinese words and small phrases. I managed to do most things, but always when in a dilemma, someone appeared at my side asking if I want some help. My body language skills were very good. My English skills improved big time; I had never realized how bad they were.

Every day something interesting and unexpected happened; things that would never be accepted in our culture. Just because it’s different does that make it wrong? I happily adopted the Chinese eating habits that would be frowned upon by my mother, but I couldn’t quite bring myself to eat with my mouth open.

I watched as the Chinese Government tried so hard to catch up with the rest of the world while still retaining Chinese characteristics. The Western culture was being accepted very rapidly as the children have to learn English at school and Western companies like KFC, McDonald’s, Starbucks and Walmart and other European supermarkets have established their businesses in all major cities. I felt very sad when a Chinese child told me their favorite food is hamburgers.

Things are changing rapidly in China and it was so interesting to be on the sidelines watching it all happen. The laws are now stricter for teachers so I’m pleased I went there when I did. It’s now often necessary to have a degree. I had no official qualifications, but I now have experience, which makes me very employable. But age is now an issue. Chinese women retire at 56 so Government officials have trouble accepting that westerners well into their 60’s, still want to work and are very capable of doing so. Headmasters loved me, but Government officials didn’t see it that way. They are the ones that stamp that work visa.


Have your taught overseas like Jeanie? What was your experience like?


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