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Have we become too obsessed with our possessions?

Jan 09, 2014

This week two sixty year old brothers taught me a very important lesson about life, in particular, not being too obsessed with possessions and how to be happy with having very little.



They were camped next to us and must have had a laugh as we turned up for one night (although we have been on the road for a couple of weeks) with our TV, laptop, mobile phones, barbeque, fridge and other gadgets.

They had been camped at their site for weeks and had two old Kingswood’s a small tent and their surfboards. No technology, no gadgets just their car radio for entertainment.

My husband and I got talking to them about their lifestyle and we were intrigued. For six months in the year they live in Australia chasing the waves then six months in West Timor.

They have no possessions and were incredibly happy. They told us stories about “their place” in Timor where they spend six months a year surfing, fishing and generally kicking back.

They explained about having very little, but making the most out of every moment. They had traveled widely around Europe, but doing it on shoestring every time.

Although their lifestyle was a little extreme and were the archetypal “surfies” their outlook was incredibly refreshing. Coming from a generation that is always “switched on” to technology and craving the next big thing it was wonderful to sit back and hear stories of their global escapades from these lovely surfing brothers.

I am keen to hear your thoughts… Do you think we have become too obsessed with things?

What are the things that you like to do that are completely free…?

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