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Feeling anxious about retirement? You’re not alone

Jan 19, 2023

Retirement! Is there any turning back for the silver sixties, or older? Some boomers may feel concerned about their approaching retirement. Both men and women can identify with their roles in the workplace. At our age, we can regard ourselves as having valuable expertise, and being highly motivated. 

“Retirement anxiety” can be a real part of this stage in our lives. Many of us can be worried about the economy, and the future of the cost of living on our retirement income. We wonder if we made adequate financial allowances, for this time on earth. 

Some boomers are delaying their retirement before they totally leave the workplace. Other seniors might pursue employment in their workplace, or work reduced hours. This can ease us into retirement.

It is a major change. Boomers with significant others at home full-time have to adapt to new companionship and routines. That can be ideal for soulmates, but some shared spaces can be very draining. Personally, I was a caregiver and co-resident with a geriatric.

I kept my own room, and hobbies, to avoid conflicts over blaring television as a way of life. Single senior women seem to find more to do at home, or with their community elder groups. 

I am now a contented solo nester, so I appreciate a quieter way of life. After retiring, I found I wished to engage my brain again, so  I commenced a modest part-time online business. A realistic goal ongoing is to expand this, by advertising, cold canvassing,  and word-of-mouth contacts. This is all in accordance with the new government regulations for the oldies. So far, I have not turned into a skeleton, waiting for new clients. So I send a silent thanks for being able to manage. 

Retirement dreams can turn seniors into grey nomads, then they arrive home with lots of happy memories. Boomers I know have engaged in groups at U3A or Probus, to discover new friends and skills. Grandchildren can be a new delight, I also know seniors who enjoy babysitting and family visits. Every stage of the young ones is interesting, they can flower and bloom.

Silver sixties may have anxiety that is now the “old”; in society. We can utter pearls of wisdom and good advice but have to let younger ones make their own decision about their path into the future. Some of the media do feed any reader free anxiety. I do wish we had more good news. 

Today, we woke up, the alternative is worse. Seniors, our age can be really battling. Perhaps a financial adviser or a counselling session can enable them to overcome anxiety issues. All we can do now we are retired is to chip in to donate to Foodbanks and Community Kitchens or donate clothes to charity shops. This is one way of supporting each other in our community. 

Some seniors in retirement can be assessed by My Aged Care Services, courtesy of the government. One part of the package is to subsidize frozen meals, delivered to the front doorstep weekly. This can reduce the costs of food, reduce shopping and cooking expenses, and deliver a variety of menu choices. That is one option for retired seniors. 

We are not the leaders of our lucky land, we cannot change the economy. All we can do is hope for more opportunities for reasonable incomes for all citizens, including retirement seniors. That could be a positive step in reducing retirement anxiety. 

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