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Initiatives for Boomers

Oct 19, 2024
Source: Getty Images.

Here we all are, looking forward and living in the real world. We have been classified as the Boomers, an age group who developed many initiatives on our path to this golden age. Look at our current telecommunications, as we can now stay in touch with all the digital devices which we take for granted. Computing is part of our daily lives, the whole world can be in our hands, to communicate anywhere in the world, accessing like-minded pals in global networks, or chatting to friends or family nationally or internationally. Great initiative.

On the flip side, when compared to our old neighbourhoods, we barely know our neighbours. In the past of our childhood, our families knew everyone in our street, including the shopkeepers at the old general store on the corner. Our mothers definitely did not have social media. For facetiming, our mothers would stand on the back fence and chat, then get on with raising Boomers. We walked to the local school with our sisters and friends and played together in backyards or roaming around the old ‘hood. We knew all the other kids and always had a team for whatever we wanted to play.

Our suburb had nearby a stable for Clydesdale horses, who clopped up and down our quiet gravel road, the good old time couriers. Mechanization and the trucking industry were regarded as initiatives. Due to limited resources, our fathers used their brains and walked to the train stations to travel to their worksites, until they retired. Driving to park at a railway station was an initiative.

Retirement in our eyes is evolving initiatives in our unique irrepressible approach. Many golden agers might retire, then seek to explore new avenues for their skills and expertise, working part-time online, or studying remote courses. Initiatives in never growing old, we hope, mean some old standards have been superseded. Mentoring younger people and grandchildren is part of the pearls of our life experiences along the path.

Some boomers consider they can still challenge some younger folk, with our sound work ethic, and open-minded attitudes to accessing initiatives in any field. We can keep things simple, but still have fresh ideas. We going strong. For example, one of my charities instigated an online contest for new toy patterns. All in a good cause. I put on my golden age thinking cap and typed up some initiatives in toy patterns I had invented in my crafting for relaxation. We have to be in it to win it! Best case scenario, I might win a voucher at a craft store. I already own Yarn Anonymous in my craft stash, I am sure any winner would put such treasure to good use. We never know our luck in these magical initiatives.

It is all friendly fun for the golden age. We can all resolve to make realistic good choices, and not get our knickers in a twist, to quote some pundit in my family. Call us curvy from now on! Older ladies can totally tell ourselves we are divine.

That is only a minor initiative. We of the golden age can indulge ourselves in being part of the ‘anything goes’ of the current initiatives in the 21st Century. We all know friends or family who are still doing what makes them personally happy, aspiring to be role models while planning their own initiatives for relaxation in these golden years. Boomers can keep on developing yet more initiatives in any field of human endeavour, as we have much to offer each other in our circle of the community we built. The future is in our own hands!

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by Julie Grenness