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These ironic images will leave you in stitches


Ironic incidents are lurking all around us, waiting to be captured on camera. A website,, has demonstrated the true meaning of the often misused figure of speech through a series of hilarious pictures.

Like a beaver tucking into a “no feeding” notice board, a label welded to a non-stick frying pan and a paving slab engraved with the motto “Nothing is written in stone.”

And a man reading a book on fasting who got snapped while stuffing his face.

Here’s a collection of a few others.

This beaver is a rebel.
This man is missing the point of the book.
Except this.
You’re unique, just like everyone else.
The best example of irony.
The student probably needs a lesson in grammar though.
Except for the label, of course.
We’re pretty sure grafitti is anti-social behaviour.
Well, that was unfortunate.
The driver of that car would not be happy, neither would the store manager.

Did these make you laugh? What are the most ironic/funniest images you’ve ever seen?

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