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Imagine what the nativity scene would look like if Jesus was born today


Oh yes, it’s that time of year where people around the world are dusting off their decorations, setting up their light displays and placing their version of the nativity scene in windows or centrepieces around the house. Christmas is near…

Have you ever thought about what the nativity scene would look like if Jesus was born today? Truth be told, Starts at 60 hadn’t given it much thought either, until it came across Casey Wright.

A lot has changed in 2,000 years… Photo Modern Nativity.

In Wright’s version of the nativity, Joseph is rocking a man bun and is committed to documenting the arrival of his newborn by taking a selfie of the event; Mary (strike a duckface pose) is beside him with her latte and a peace sign; and the three wise men have traded camels for Segways.

It’s called the ‘Hipster Nativity Set’ and you can buy it all for the tidy price of $180 (US$129.99).

Joseph and Mary pose for a selfie to mark the arrival of their son, Jesus, in this modern-day take on the nativity scene. Photo Modern Nativity.
The three wise men ‘roll up’ on Segways with their gifts for the newborn king. Photo Modern Nativity.

“After a few beers, we started joking about how religions would be different if their sacred texts were set in modern times,” Wright says.

While some view it has “hilarious” and must have one, others have condemned Wright and his team for being sacrilegious.

“We have quickly found out that this product is very polarising,” Wright says.

What do you think of this modern take of this famous event? Share your thoughts with us.

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by Starts at 60 Writers