We’re in for an end-of-year lunar treat with 2023’s final full moon rising in its native sign Cancer – encouraging all of us to reflect on the year that’s past, but in an especially sensitive way. While the full Cold Moon (December 27th) centres around reflection and planning ahead as the year comes to a close, being in tender-hearted Cancer means we need to be mindful of our emotions.
Cancer is known for being emotional, nurturing and highly intuitive, as well as sensitive and sometimes insecure. So, it’s a perfect time to check in on our emotional health – with the traditionally hectic and family- oriented Christmas season upon us emotions tend to run high.
But because it’s also the last full moon of the year, it’s a time for detailed reflection and keeping these emotions in check. We do need to use the moon’s energy in a positive way. Reflect on achievements and disappointments this year, and all the lessons you have learned. Cancer is a cardinal sign which dictates an initiatory energy during the full moon. It’s a great time for starting anything new and although the full moon is normally about completion, cardinal signs Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn may come up with brilliant new ideas after releasing the past.
However, all signs will be affected to some extent. Feelings of safety will come into play relating to your home, and family-related activities like cooking and cleaning up and even gardening – all of which can happen in the festive season. You may be prone to emotional fluctuations so it’s a good time to forgive and forget to avoid overthinking.
Full moons also represent release and manifestation in astrology. December’s full moon is the last full moon before the new year, so its timing is perfect for releasing what’s happened in the past. The moon likes privacy – it’s important to have plenty of alone time, space in your own home, and make sure you are comfortable, safe and secure. Full moons have special names based on the environmental conditions around them during the time they occur.
In the northern hemisphere, the full moon in December is known as the Cold Moon to mark winter. Here in Australia, the Cold Moon arrives just days after the Summer Solstice on December 22nd. The Summer Solstice occurs once a year when the sun’s track across the Australian sky reaches its highest point. It is the day that has the most daylight hours of any day in the year.
Because it occurs at the start of Cancer Sun Season, the Summer Solstice serves as a reminder to look inwards and focus on growth. The energy planted in the Spring can in turn reach full bloom. It’s time to find the balance between looking within and dealing with the external world.
The full moon will reach its peak on 27 th December at 11.33am AEDT.
What does the December Full Moon have in store for your star sign?
Aries (March 21 to April 19):
The Sun is shining a bright light on your career zone which is looking particularly good in relation to your mission in life. However, the Full Moon at home isn’t quite so happy. You may find yourself feeling pulled between your public life and your home life and family.
Whilst it’s very important to be on the right road to your mission in life, your family and home are also very important. Find the right balance for you between personal and public, between your inner reality and the outside world. Grab some alone time at home to ruminate about what is really important to you. Awesome Aries, under Cancer’s Full Moon’s sway, your emotions rise in family, they can play. Balance ambition with love’s nurturing rays. With this short formula, happiness comes for all your days!
Taurus (April 20 to May 20):
Emotional communications could be on offer, just ensure your brain is in gear before you speak. Normally, you’re blessed with a modicum of good common sense, so it should be quite possible not to put your foot into your mouth! If you’re studying or learning something, your emotions might also rise to the surface, however, it’s best not to take things too seriously now as the Full Moon’s effect could be gone in a flash.
You may also have some contact with distant relatives, cousins, siblings etc. Something going down in your local community could also be on your mind now or perhaps it’s as simple as a chat over the back fence with a neighbour. Taurus, under Cancer’s lunar glow, embrace emotions and let your feelings flow. Home’s comfort and roots guides the night and day.
Gemini (May 21 to June 20):
Spirit is drawing your attention to your money supply or perhaps your possessions. It’s time to get organised and factor in some logical strategies about how to manage your finances. There may also be changes around the things you value… you now realise what you thought was valuable previously, has now lost its appeal. The Sun opposite the Full Moon could also create some havoc with shared resources such as taxes, inheritances, super or investments. In fact, anything you share with another could now become a focus and this includes intimacy. Spend some time and give attention to intimate partners now. Gemini, as Cancer’s Full Moon beams, nurture important connections and explore deep drams. Blend your wit and emotion with finding new themes!
Cancer (June 21 to July 22):
The Full Moon in your sign blesses you with deeper spirituality. Your heartfelt emotions are the fuel to take you further than ever before! You can see things underneath situations that many others can’t so keep this knowledge safe. You’re probably wearing your heart on your sleeve more than usual now, especially in how you approach the world. You may be guided to change your identity and appearance to better reflect who you really are inside. Buy new clothes, makeup or changing your hair for an added boost. You’re about to open another chapter in your Book of Life, so be free and express yourself to the world. Caring Cancer now in your lunar reign, the Full Moon amplifies your emotional terrain. Nurture yourself and others by allowing your feelings to be explained.
Leo (July 23 to August 22):
This is quite a spiritual time for you however your daily demands could pull you away from quiet times into the busy world. It’s tricky because you may well feel the need to be alone and think about the direction of your life. Things like your daily routine, work and health demand attention too so you could feel a little torn between what you want to do and what you have to do. Food for thought is to find balance in your life. It’s not the best time to try and be all things to all people… you need attention too! Your intense feelings are a guide to what you need to pay more attention to. Dear Leo, under Cancer’s Full Moon gleam, embrace deep feelings and let them stream. Balance your warmth with self-esteem! You’re on your path now, so try not to worry!
Virgo (August 23 to September 22):
Vivacious Virgo… it’s time for some leisure and pleasure! Your friends, groups and associations are on the agenda now and the Full Moon is bringing your attention to relationships with others. A need may arise where you need to make some space between yourself and another… that’s ok, this will allow room for even more friends and connections to enter your life. It could be an emotional time now if not with connections, then maybe related to your hopes and dreams. The Full Moon is shining a light on what you really want in relationships, and this could be quite an emotional time. Virgo, as Cancer’s Full Moon beams, your feelings surface in gentle streams. In detailed plans, find your theme by balancing emotions with methodical dreams.
Libra (September 23 to October 22):
Underneath this Cancerian Moon, you could have more dealings with the general public and your warm and considerate emotions flow into the world. You could gain more exposure in some way, perhaps on social media or you are working with the public more than usual. Do watch for oversharing because this Full Moon is an emotional one so your feelings will show when you’re in the spotlight. You may also be dealing more with authority figures like employers, managers or parental type figures – mother figures are most likely. At home, issues may arise as the Sun here wants equal time with the Full Moon… a male could be rather demanding now. Lovely Libra, ‘neath Cancer’s lunar sight, embrace emotions with balance bright. Harmonise feelings and radiate your light!
Scorpio (October 23 to November 21):
As a water sign, you can be quite emotional, and this is great… better than being some sort of automaton! This watery Full Moon suggests it’s time to broaden your horizons and make your stand in the world. You can use your intense emotions as fuel for your journey out onto a new path. You may have travel, explore further education or spirituality but whatever it is, you will want to learn more using your ‘higher mind’. Concepts and big picture items probably gain your interest rather than tedious everyday tasks. You can grow and live life larger now. Foreign connections may also become more important now. Scorpio, as Cancer’s moonlight gleams, your feelings deepen in midnight schemes. Balance passion with reflective streams by navigating your depths and exploring dreams.
Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21):
Secrets could be on your agenda now… you hear something, or you want to keep something quiet. Issues could also arise regarding shared assets such as real estate, investments or something you share with another. The emotional Full Moon wants your focus on these matters now so best pay attention. However, the Sun opposite is also vying for your time, so you might be thinking logically about your personal finances or possessions. Those shared resources and your personal finances may need balancing in some way – it isn’t really a case of one or the other. Give your intimate life some energy too, especially intimacy you may share with someone special. Remember that beneath Cancer’s moonlight, emotions bloom so chase your delight. Balance wanderlust with roots held tight!
Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19):
Relationships and partnerships become more important now. Emotional communications are on the agenda so do give some logical thought to negotiations and decisions. The Sun opposite wants you to be independent and autonomous so once again weighing up your personal needs versus those of others is in play. Relationships are important and so too is your freedom and ability to run your life your way. Only you can make decisions about what is important. Some changes loom on the horizon but if you look at both sides, you can find a middle path without compromising your deepest desires. Courageous Capricorn, under Cancer’s lunar ray, emotions rise in a structured display. Balance ambition with heart’s pure sway. Find strength in feelings in your work and play!
Aquarius (January 20th to February 18):
Daily habits may change as the Full Moon shines a light on what you do. Routine work could be improved some way and the Moon’s insight guides you here. Your health and wellbeing also feature strongly now. Is it time to listen to important women in your life? Just a thought! Find some time in the daytime and take time out to consider various matters. However, the Sun, Mercury and Mars aren’t too happy just now and masculine energies might have other ideas about your time and what is deemed important. We all need both masculine and feminine energies, so listen to both. Awesome Aquarius affected by the Full Moon’s glow, emotions may stir, seeking new ways to flow. Balance your innovation with feelings aglow. Harnessing empathy’s power encourages connections to grow.
Pisces (February 19 to March 20):
Passionate Pisces, grab some fun in the Sun… but not too much. Leisure and pleasure is the name of the game now and you might also enjoy some new romance to boot! Find some creative ways that fulfil your desires. Children could also be the centre of your attention now, whether they be actual physical children or your own inner child that needs time. Delight in pleasure and frolic for a bit and you may also play some games, indulge in entertainment or other recreation now. Some friends or contacts mightn’t be too happy with your emotional frolicking in the Sun, but hey life’s too short! Pisces, under Cancer’s moon’s bright gleam, embrace your emotions like a whispered dream. Balance your depths with a tranquil theme and navigate waters where your emotions teem.