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The 5 uses for nail polish that don’t involve your nails


Everyone has a few bottles of nail polish laying around the house and more often than not a clear nail polish is included in this group. Clear nail polish has more uses than just the top coat on a fresh manicure. Here are 5 ways to use your clear nail polish you may not have been aware of.

  1. If you have a pair of glasses with screws or small parts that sometimes get loose or wobbly, you can use a droplet of nail polish to secure them in place. The best part is no one will be able to notice as the nail polish will dry clear.
  2. If you have any buttons that need securing, a thin layer of nail polish across the centre of the button will ensure the thread stays in place.
  3. Rust can be a problem for products that have a metal rim especially in bathrooms where moisture is in the air often. Simply paint a thin coat of nail polish on the bottom of the product and leave to dry.
  4. If you are sending a letter and the flap will not stay shut a small dot of nail polish will hold the flap in place.
  5. A thin coat of nail polish on a bauble will prevent it from losing its radiance.

Do you have any other tips for household products that have other uses?

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