I’m obsessed with denim right now, especially during Melbourne’s mutable season. However, we don’t sweat the stuff we can’t control, we’re too busy harnessing our minds to stay positive, and deciding on what to wear.
Remember when we could not enter certain restaurants or posh clubs if we were wearing denim? I remember never wearing denim on a night out as I’d have curled up in shame if I’d been denied entry anywhere! I’m giggling out loud about those days, remembering the late 70s and early 80s with fond memories, many stories, of which some should never be shared on a family-friendly platform, right?
Dressing up was the only way to go out, be it lunch, dinner, a club, or a show! I’m loving the styles of that gorgeous era now returning. However, I do recall how some people who followed the dress code still looked frumpy, whilst many, including some stylish men, managed to look elegant in jeans! It’s not what we wear but how we wear it, right? Thank goodness that mindset has altered somewhat.
Back then, the style was specific. We either wore straight-leg denim jeans or flared jeans. The current denim trends are flattering for any body type, mood, and occasion… and don’t underestimate the denim blazer and cute denim biker jacket!
Looking at what our fashionista sisters are wearing in Europe and the USA, I nodded my head in vigorous approval and promptly went digging in my large suitcase, oh, okay, it’s more like a trunk folks would take on a lengthy sea voyage. However, that trunk, my Pandora’s Box, has travelled across the waters with me as it is the safe harbour for many fashion items I’d acquired over the years, some as long ago as thirty years or more. I was certain those designs would make a comeback one day, and they have!
So, obviously, I’d be lying if I denied having acquired some new denim pieces in the last few years but when I alternate those with my quality vintage high-rise jeans, I feel like a million bucks. It’s not that I mind wearing what others are swanning around in right now but it’s hugely satisfying wearing something I deliberated over buying years ago and I still feel fabulous wearing it as vintage treasures years later. It’s a bit like setting one’s own trend.
I look at ageing the same way as I look at clothes. I focus on personal style, quality, versatility, and, most of all, what it does for my appearance and mood. When we know we look good, we feel invincible and ageless. Of course, there is no denying we are ageing – it starts from birth! However, if we look after ourselves, care for our skins, our hair, and we become more mindful of eating right and taking supplements that will keep our bones and joints in good shape, we’re winning the battle of keeping the old person out! By caring for our garments in the same way, it becomes almost therapeutic and an extension of who we are.
So, if you are contemplating which style denim to wear, look at your shape. Feeling a bit too hippy, or having a big bottom, no bottom, or bloated tummy day? There’s a denim for that!
Enjoy spending time planning outfits. Don’t starve the girl in our spirit as she is the little sweetheart that will keep the old woman out of our heads!
Have fun with denim, gorgeous tribe and don’t forget to tell yourself something delightful when looking in the mirror every day, such as: “I am woman. I am smart. I am fabulous. I own this!”