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Seven tips to reduce your food packaging waste

Help reduce your contribution.

It would be fair to say that people are becoming more conscious of their impact on the environment, and especially the amount of waste they’re contributing to landfill. Most people would want to cut down on their food packaging waste where possible and easy to do so, and here are a few ways you can do it with minimal effort involved. 

1. Avoid using plastic bags

This is one that most people already try to do, but it can be worth having a reminder. Be sure to actually reuse your enviro-bags when you go shopping, as buying new ones can be as bad for the environment as using plastic bags. This goes for fresh produce bags too. Given we wash our produce anyway, plastic bags are unnecessary. Instead, take reusable cloth or string bags for your apples and potatoes.

2. Buy the largest package

Buying the larger sizes of everything will reduce packaging because you won’t need to buy it again so soon. One big box of cereal is better than double the packaging for two smaller boxes, and is often cheaper too.

3. Avoid plastic packaging

You’ll see it when you’re shopping for things like flour or sugar, that some brands are packaged in plastic while others are packaged in paper or cardboard. Always avoid the plastic ones, they’re no fresher and they just go straight into landfill and can’t be recycled.

4. More plant-based foods

Not only is it better for your health, but eating a more plant based diet is better for the environment! You’ll reduce the amount of packaging you use, and also have a longer term impact on greenhouse gases and water waste.

5. Grow your own food

You probably won’t have an entirely self-sufficient suburban farm, but growing a few veggies, planting a fruit tree, and perhaps having a few chickens will not only give you a new hobby, but there is no plastic packaging coming from your garden. There is also an enormous satisfaction in eating something you’ve grow yourself.

6. Cook more from scratch

We live in a time of pre-packaged, convenience foods, and it’s wonderful at times. But when you can, it’s better for both your health and the environment to make what you can from scratch. You’ll reduce the amounts of additives and preservatives you’re consuming, use more fresh foods, and reduce packaging waste.

7. Compost and recycle

We all get lazy sometimes and chuck something in the rubbish bin because we haven’t bothered to check whether it can be recycled, or just can’t be bothered sorting. It doesn’t take long though, and everyone recycles what they can, the impact on the environment can be huge. Composting your food scraps also prevents waste and is fantastic for your garden!

Do you have any other great tips for reducing your food packaging waste?

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