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On World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, we admire the wisdom of older people…


As we unite as an older population for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day today, let’s take time to think about why older people are so important, so valuable and so loved throughout the world.

As people who have a wealth of knowledge, accumulated over most of a lifetime, more people should respect, listen and love the words and actions of older Australians.


Here are eight life lessons older people have taught us…


“I had to wait 110 years to become famous.  I wanted to enjoy it as long as possible.”  Jeanne Louise Calment 

Embrace your age. Don’t shy away from it. Enjoy your life and every second of it because some don’t have the chance that you do.


“Life is too deep for words, so don’t try to describe it. Just live it.” CS Lewis

Enjoy the present moment. Don’t dwell on the past or to look too far into the future, but be happy and content in enjoying life right now.


“Our prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you can’t help them, at least don’t hurt them.”  Dali Lama

Be kind and compassionate to the others around us. Don’t hurt with intent.


“You gain strength, courage and confidence with every experience you really top to look fear in the face. You must do the things which you think you cannot do.” Eleanor Roosevelt 

Never hide away from life due to fear. Embrace the challenges you face.


“I think we’re losing our sense of humour instead of being able to relax and laugh at ourselves. I don’t care whether it’s ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, or whose ox is being gored.” Betty White

Don’t take life too seriously. Remember to laugh, to live light-heartedly and to not take yourself or others too seriously.


“Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty.” Coco Chanel 

Our actions have life-long impacts. Be weary of the implications of your decisions and make them mindfully. And, not just in regards to skincare.


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“As I walked out the door toward the gates that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.” Nelson Mandela

To truly move forward in peace, we must put the past behind us.


“Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.” Maggie Smith

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So today, lets embrace older people all around the world. Society should appreciate, respect and admire older people. What have you learnt from older people? What wise lessons and messages? Tell us in the comments below… 

Support World Elder Abuse Awareness today, Sunday June 15 in response to the United Nations’ World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD).

WEAAD highlights the psychological, financial, physical, social and sexual abuse and neglect some older people experience from people they trust.

How can you bring the issue out from behind closed doors – discuss it with others.  And encourage those struggling not to do so in silence.

The elder abuse helpline is available to help 1300 651 192 or contact them online.

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