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Let there be light: How light can influence different areas of our life

Let there be light…”

In Genesis, God said, “Let there be light,…And God saw that the light was good”. Perhaps God was right: light is vital to us on so many levels including health care.

There are two types of light; visible and non-visible. All light is electromagnetic radiation. The visible portion is quite small. Most light is of the invisible kind such as, microwaves, infra-red, ultra-violet, radio waves and x-rays to name just a few. On a most basic level, our bodies are forms of light that are vibrating at very low frequencies and are visible as matter. Light is an integral part of our being. The amazing quality of light is that in a vacuum it travels at approximately 300,000 kilometres a second and as far as we know, nothing can go faster. The benefits of light are tremendous.


Health Benefits

Research in recent years is pointing out more and more that light can heal many ailments. We may be entering a new phase of therapies that will be effective and with fewer of the side effects that are associated with drugs.

In a 2014 study, presented at the Frontiers of Cellular Neuroscience, it was found that a type of blue and infra-red light slowed degeneration of nerve cells. Another study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy, it was found that infra-red light could slow the development of plaques in the brain. Experimental evidence indicates that the plaque formation can even be reversed.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could look back at Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia as scourges of the past? Wouldn’t it be great if the end of life came like a brightly burning candle that flickered once or twice, then went out? Unfortunately, today, while we are living longer, in many instances it is associated with misery and debilitation.

The diagnostic tools such as x-rays and MRIs all use light energy in its various forms to see details of the body’s internal structures. We take these for granted now, but what would our world be without it. Besides the diagnostic value of light, there is research on many fronts indicating that light may help us to heal from various ailments.

Many people who live in extreme northern latitudes suffer from a seasonal disorder related to a lack of light. This is often a cause of depression. The obvious solution for this is light therapy.

We are told to keep out of the sun to avoid skin cancers. The downside of this is that we become deficient in vitamin D, which makes us prone to osteoporosis and can lead to fractures. Low vitamin D has also been linked to increased rates of heart disease and cancer.


Abundance in the plant world

In all the discussions about global warming – sometimes hysterical – few people consider the importance of light. It is a basic biological fact that plants combine carbon dioxide and water to form oxygen, something vital that all animals need. This process called photosynthesis cannot happen without the presence of light. Without this process, there would be no plant life or food that we could consume, and we would all perish. Our food supply is totally dependent on light.


The world of communication

Can you imagine the world without light bulbs, computers or the telephone? Back in the day before electricity, when the only source of light was a fire, how well did that work out? Life expectancy was low, and communication was mostly by word of mouth. There aren’t too many people who want to go back to those times.

Today we have tapped into light in all its forms that give us the banking system, the internet, mobile phones and television. These technologies could not take place without the use of light energy.

So whoever wrote the bible; light is not to be taken lightly.


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