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Jubilant July and the joy it will bring you

Jul 02, 2016

“There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colours are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever” – Elizabeth Lawrence

Reflect back to your childhood memories. Recall favourite moments, things that made you laugh, beloved toys or events that brought you joy. What did you dream of doing, becoming or achieving? What gave you a sense of excitement regarding life and your future? It is never too late to feel that exuberance again!

Although we may have outgrown our “youth”, that wide-eyed and eager child still resides within us! Even though we are “mature”, dealing with “adult” issues like worry, stress and deadlines, we shouldn’t let these limit our sense of wonder or fun. Reconnecting with the dreams and delights of childhood is key to keeping the enthusiasm for life with us always – at any age!

Whatever your childhood dreams, take some action this month to reconnect with them! Study science, take up a craft, enrol for online classes, practice an instrument, travel the world through the internet, learn a language, read about astronomy, or come up with a new way of making something better. After all, if you dreamed it you can be it, even if only in a small way. Help that youngster within you to live, to smile, to feel fulfilled, and you will be rewarded with renewed youthfulness!

July’s Astrological energies bring a lovely mixture of reconnecting with our inner child and expressing renewed interest and joy in the delights from our past! What can YOU look forward to in this month ahead? Here’s your Motivational Astrology Forecast for July 2016:

We begin the month with a New Moon in the sign of Cancer on the 4th. This lunar phase represents beginnings – so it’s a perfect time to begin projects, start interesting activities, connect with like-hearted others and honour the nurturing side of yourself. This is a favourable period for embarking on new forms of self expression, while also focusing on family, domestic issues, real estate or new loves!

Venus, the planet of love, moves into the sign of Leo on the 12th, which encourages us to appreciate ourselves more! After all, acknowledging your attributes is just showing gratitude for what you’ve been given! Everyone is blessed with something, so play up those parts of yourself that you love the most. It’s not just physical – it’s your sense of humour, communication ability, positive energy or unique style. Remember that in the end YOU define who you are and how you show yourself to the world!

Mercury, the planet ruling communications, joins Venus in Leo on the 14th. Our thoughts now become magic! As we choose to focus on the positive and keep our thoughts determined and definite, we have the power to make improvements in our life. Now is the time to manifest greater enthusiasm and optimistic self-expression in all that we do! Speak from your heart and share life affirming energy – for yourself and to others! 

A Full Moon lights up the sky on the 20th in the sign of practical Capricorn, and our focus turns to the supportive structures in our lives. We can build better foundations now by cutting out the time robbers and the money wasters. This is an ideal time to sort your stuff, get on track with budgets and empower yourself by getting organised and taking charge of your life. Map out your strategies for better financial security in order to feel more confident. Full Moons encourage us to let go of whatever is holding us back – including fear or doubt – in order to advance our lives!

The Sun shifts signs from sensitive Cancer to outgoing Leo on the 22nd. Our energies now go from a more introspective, intuitive and contemplative time to a more outgoing, overt and energetic period! We can now embark on a new phase of self expression and self appreciation! This is a great time to take on new creative, inter-active or inspirational endeavours for greater fulfillment. This is fortunate new cycle for honouring the playful spirit within and finding further opportunity to express our youthful dreams!

The last day of July has Mercury shifting into Virgo. As the communication planet moves into the practical vibe of Virgo, we commence a new cycle of practical productivity with keener clarity of what we can conquer. This is a great time to clear the clutter from our lives, including any negative thoughts or bad habits that prevent us from living our lives to the fullest! For the next 10 weeks(!) we are encouraged to keep an eye on the details of our lives, making this an ideal time for planning our goals and getting better organised in our day-to-day lives!


Wishes for a Jubilant July to each of YOU!

With Warmth, Heart and StarLight.

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