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Daily Joke: A horse walks into a bar

The barman figures the horse isn’t that bright, so he decides to pull the old ‘short-change’ trick on him. Source: Getty Images.

A horse walks into a bar, orders a beer, sits down at one of the tables and starts reading the paper.

The bartender is a bit shocked by all of this but pours the beer anyway and takes it over to the horse, who offers a ten dollar bill for it.

Now the barman figures the horse isn’t that bright, so he decides to pull the old ‘short-change’ trick on him. He duly goes back to the horse with one dollar change. The horse doesn’t say a word.

The horse eventually finishes his beer and goes up to the bar to order another. The bartender says to him: “You know, we don’t get many horses in here.”

To which the horse replies: “At nine dollars a beer, I’m not surprised.”

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Daily Joke: A husband and wife were sitting together having their morning coffee
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