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Daily Joke: The Thermos flask

He thought the Thermos was a great idea. Source: Getty
He thought the Thermos was a great idea. Source: Getty

A famous footballer named Dave Peckhim was doing some shopping one day when he wandered into a kitchenware shop and saw a cylindrical metal object.

“What’s this?” he asks the assistant.

“It’s a Thermos flask,” she replies.

“What does it do?” he asks, still unsure.

“It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold,” the assistant replies.

He thought that was quite marvellous, so he buys one and takes it to training with him the next day.

“Look what I’ve got,” he tells the lads proudly. “It’s a Thermos flask.”

His teammates are impressed. “But what does it do?” they ask.

“It keeps hot things hot and cold things cold,” Peckhim replies.

“And what have you got in it?” they ask.

“Two cups of coffee and a chocolate ice cream.”

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Daily Joke: The one-wish genie
by Starts at 60 Writers