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Is it time for a reality check?

Feb 21, 2015

January has gone and probably half of us can’t remember our New Year’s Resolutions! On New Year’s Eve I like to make a list of things I would like to achieve in the coming year.

Like many who do this, I pat myself on the back and say “great, I have my list – now bring on the New Year”. However there is no point having a list of good intentions if we don’t actively act upon them and review them throughout the year.

Another problem is making a list that is too long and also restricting ourselves to waiting until the New Year to make the resolutions or goal setting (or whatever you want to call it!). Break out of that mould and continually create new goals and things to achieve throughout the year.

Instead of a long list why not have a couple of major goals and then perhaps some smaller monthly ‘challenges’. It is amazing how good you feel when you accomplish something and can tick it off the list.



The most important thing is to make the commitment. For some it might be climbing to Base Camp and Mount Everest, for others it might be 30 minutes of ‘me’ time. Whatever you decide you want to achieve you need to make the commitment.

I remember wanting to run a marathon a couple of years ago. Crazy at 55 but I really wanted to do it. The first thing I did was tell someone – there I had put it out there and basically because I had publicly announced my goal, my pride would not allow me to change my mind. It was at that point I made the commitment.



Nothing worthwhile is achieved without effort and preparation is a large part of achieving what you want. You don’t say I’m going to climb a mountain without training and the right equipment. Preparation is crucial to achieving your goal no matter what the goal is.


Book An Appointment with Yourself

If you are working towards a goal that needs regular input from you, then book it into your diary. For example, you may want to exercise 3 times a week and start off with great enthusiasim, only to find that lasts for the first week! Excuses start to creep in like ‘I don’t have the time’. Well, there are 24 hours in a day so 30 minutes isn’t that much to fit in. Set aside a day and time and try to stick to that for at least 3 weeks. After that it becomes a habit and you are on your way to ticking off that goal.


Surround Yourself with Positive People

This is a popular saying but it is true. Whatever you want to achieve, sometimes you need to have the support of others to keep you motivated. There will always be plenty of ‘naysayers’ around ready to be there if you don’t succeed. Find people who share your enthusiasm or who realise that what you are trying to achieve is important to you and who are willing to be supportive when the going gets tough.


Don’t be too hard on yourself

We all have lapses or days when life is either too hard or we just need a break. Don’t fight it – go with it. One day is not going to matter in a whole lifetime so go easy on yourself and get back into it tomorrow with more determination.


Review and Reassess

Throughout the year keep reviewing your goals and reassess how you are going and also if it is still what you really want to achieve. No, I’m not saying let’s make excuses because its too hard! However, life has its ups and downs and surprises, so what you wanted to do a couple of months ago may not be what you want now. We need to be flexible but not give up.



Remember it is great to achieve and to be motivated but not at the cost of being unhappy. You need to enjoy life and whatever you are working towards this will make it so much easier to achieve.

Remember, it’s never too late to start – the main thing is that you do!


This article was originally published here

I’d love to hear some of your goals, intentions or resolutions. What did you plan to do this year? Have you achieved any of your resolutions yet?

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