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Five ways to use and display all those photos on your phone

How many photos do you have stored on your phone?

Most of us with smartphones take advantage of its camera and have thousands of unused photos sitting on our phones. 

And while showing off pictures of the grandkids or your latest holiday used to be a bit of an affair – remember setting up the slide reel and inviting your neighbours over? – these days, most of us can’t even be bothered transferring those snaps from our phone to our computers. 

However, here are five handy ways you can finally display those happy snaps in a clever way:

1. Be the life of the party

Put a personal spin on your party supplies by printing your family photos mixed with pictures of scenery, directly onto cotton fabric. You can then make bunting to hang around your home or outdoor setting to give every party your individual stamp. 

2. Wrap it up

Have your favourite photos printed on to decals which you can then wrap around vases or glass bottles to place around your home or on any table to display your memories. 

3. Set the table

Tack photos printed on cotton fabric to your place mats in order to hold your cutlery – just be sure you remove your printed photos first before washing your place mats. You can also be really clever and have photos printed of your dinner guests to function as place cards so everyone knows where to sit. 

4. Rock and a paperweight

Get some of your favourite snaps printed onto thin rice paper which you can then transfer a la decoupage onto rocks to then use as paperweights or to weigh down napkins and tablecloths on a breezy day. The rice paper makes the image appear painted onto the rock which will surely impress friends and family!

5. On and off the wall

If you’re looking for a long-term or temporary change in your home, get some of your pics printed onto vinyl decals which you can use on a wall or trim to fit a piece of furniture – think chair backs, coffee and side tables or even your fridge to bring some colour into your kitchen. You can also use them to upgrade vintage pieces or as fitting embellishments for a special event.

What do you do with your phone snaps? 

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