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Asking the Men’s Shed ‘Who is your hero?’


What is a hero to you? Is it someone that protects you? Some on that inspire you? Are they are a real person or are they a work of fiction?  We took this question down to the Men’s Shed to ask the fellas who their heroes were.

“My wife,” Jack offered up first, “because she has to put up with me.” Jack laughed. “That and she’s the strongest woman I know, no matter how tight money got or how much the kids drove her mad she would still just keep her head up and get it done. She has always been there for me, and I hope I have been there for her, but she’s the rock of the family for sure.”

John smiled and showed us a picture of his sister Alice. “This beauty is my hero. I was in the military overseas when my folks needed taking care of. She put her life on hold and took care of them every day. I would send back money, but she was doing the hard yards. Even still when I was able to get home the first question, she would have is ‘How are you, Duke?’ She calls my Duke cause I’m named after John Wayne. So selfless, kind, and strong.”

“My parents are my heroes. My mum was a young mother who was in an abusive relationship with my birth father,” Isaac shared. “She snuck my sister and me out, and we never looked back. A year or two later she met Douglas, and they married. He didn’t even think twice about adopting us as his own. He was a loving man who treated my mum like a princess and took care of us kids as if we were his blood. He didn’t hesitate with punishments when we acted up and was the first one with compliments when we achieved goals. Right up to the end he was the greatest husband and father a bloke could ask for. I miss him dearly. Luckily I still have my mother and she’s just as strong today as she was then.”

Who is your hero? What did they do to make them your hero?

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