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Natural ways to send your age spots packing


They are sometimes thought of as a sign of wisdom, a sign of a life well lived, but they can also be upsetting.  

Age spots are one of those things that we don’t often get told about but when they appear, we immediately go and buy something to cover it up. These insidious little pigments tend to appear on our face, hands and arms. Often caused by exposure to the sun, age spots are also called liver spots and solar lentigines and are flat tan, brown or black circular markings.

Age spots are very common in adults older than 50 and most of us have them. So how do you remove them without using harsh chemicals or cosmetic procedures?

We have found 14 amazing natural home remedies that should see an improvement in the appearance of these unsightly spots:

1. Vitamin E oil

Vitamin E oil is full of antioxidants and healing properties, not to mention it is an anti-inflammatory. Better yet, it can help fade dark spots on your skin. Open or pierce a liquid capsule of Vitamin E and apply directly to your age spots. Let it soak in and leave it on for a couple of hours.

2. Fresh lemon juice

Lemon juice is known for its bleaching abilities and it can do the same on skin. You can use fresh lemon juice by itself to bleach age spots by rubbing it on at night and then washing it off in the morning.

3. Castor oil

Age spots will be no match for beautiful, nourishing castor oil. Use a cotton ball to apply to your age spots and gently massage in, then leave on. Repeat every morning and night until the spots fade.

4. Onions

Like lemons, onions are natural skin lighteners. Rub onions on your age spots twice a day, and wash off the juice after about an hour

5. Aloe vera gel

Apply aloe vera gel on your age spots for at least 45 minutes two times a day and for better results – it aids skin regeneration and sun damage.

6. Orange and apple cider vinegar

The power of the citrus in the orange helps to light dark spots. Mix one teaspoon of orange juice with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and then use a clean cotton ball to put this mixture on your age spots before you go to bed.

7. Watermelon

Rub the rind of a watermelon on your age spots and then wash away with cold water. It is packed full of good nutrients.

8. Cucumber juice

Cucumbers have bleaching properties, so use crushed cucumbers on your face. Not only will it lighten your liver spots, but it will feel refreshing.

9. Dandelion

Dandelions are known as weeds but the sap has the ability to even skin tone. Rub the sap of a dandelion root on your age spots two to three times a day.

10. Olive oil

Olive oil has a plethora of uses with one being a great skin nourisher. It is also high in vitamin E, which also gets rid of age spots.

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11. Sandalwood

Sandalwood is an anti-ageing agent and an antiseptic that can helps reduce hyperpigmentation and get rid of liver spots. Mix two tablespoons of sandalwood powder, two teaspoons of rose water, and one teaspoon each of glycerine and lemon juice. Apply this mixture on the spots and allow it to dry naturally, then use cold water to wash it off. Repeat a few times a week until your age spots disappear.

12. Potato and honey

Take one potato and grate it into a bowl, then add enough honey to make a paste. Apply this to your age spots and leave on for about 15 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water.

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13. Chickpeas

Boiled chickpeas in a saucepan and mash once cooled. Rub this paste onto your age spots and let it dry. Rinse it off with cool water.

14. Yoghurt

Yoghurt has mild bleaching abilities and is safe to use on skin if you just apply directly.

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