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Getting exercise into your life doesn’t have to be a big deal

Apr 10, 2017

Doctors, physiotherapists and every other health experts agree that keeping active is one of the most important factors in staying healthy, mentally and physically. But finding the time can be tricky, even in retirement.

However, there are ways to fit exercise into your daily routine, rather than having to find a special time to do it.

If you drive to the shops to pick up a few things, there are plenty of ways to get some exercise that will put a hop in your step.

While you might like to circle your local shopping centre’s carpark, trying to find that perfect park close to the door, this is actually a great opportunity to exercise. Park far away from the door. It’ll be easier to find a parking space, as well as giving you a chance to do some fast walking or even a light jog to the mall entrance.  

Once inside the shopping centre, skip the elevator, escalator or travelator and take the stairs. Stairs will work your key muscle groups, as well as being less crowded. If an escalator is the only option, walk up it instead of just standing on it and letting it carry you. Every little additional action counts!  

If you’re only grabbing a few things from the grocery store, skip the trolley and use a hand basket. After you have a few items in it, you can even do some sneaky arm-curls and wrist-curls to help strengthen your muscles.

Even when sitting at home, you can get a bit of a workout in with the exercises featured below.

How many of these can you fit into your day today? There is no better time to start than right now, and next week we’ll have another great exercise that will get you moving toward a healthier lifestyle.

In the meantime, remember that a little bit of effort is always better than none at all!


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