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Are you proactive or reactive with your health?


It used to be that if you went to the doctor’s “for nothing” then you were just a hypochondriac and that you were “wasting” the physician’s time. As medical advances and understanding changed, we were told that it was better to be proactive than it was to be reactive. So which is it?

The biggest positive of being proactive are that if there is something wrong and if a diagnosis is found early than the chance of a full recovery is a lot better. Outside of getting regular check ups being proactive about your health means that you take better care of yourself. People that are proactive tend to eat better, exercise more, keep up prescribed medicines and be more in tune with their bodies.

Stresses can come from being proactive as well. People who are proactive can be so in tune with their bodies that they might mistake symptoms, causing them unneeded stress until a visit with the doctor puts them at ease. People can make one of the most dreadful error and Google their symptoms; that rarely ends well. Still, it is better to be cautious than too dismissive.

People that are reactive with their health issues can also be quite healthy but can delay diagnosis of serious ailments because of a “she’ll be right” attitude. Reactive patients may also not have a regular doctor or dentist that they see so when something is wrong they may see someone that isn’t familiar with their medical history.

No matter if you are proactive or reactive many health professionals suggest the following tips to make sure you get the most out of your next doctor’s visit.

  • Tell the doctors about any concerns or symptoms that you may have that are out of the ordinary.
  • Keep a diary of any health or stress issues and bring it with you to your appointment.
  • Keep a list of all medicines, supplements, or health products that you may be using.
  • Discuss any x-rays or test results with your doctor and be sure to ask questions if you don’t understand something.
  • Ask for advice. Your doctor is there to help, so if you need any advice be sure to ask them and if they can not assist you in they can give you a referral to a person that can.

Whether you are proactive or reactive, it is important that if you feel any dramatic change to your normal health that you seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Are you proactive or reactive with your health? What advice would you give to someone who is on the other side?



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