Greased up washboard abs, bugling biceps and gyrating men. That’s what British viewers were confronted with when they tuned into Britain’s Got Talent at the weekend only to see a troupe of male strippers from new musical Magic Mike seductively dance their way around the stage during the final episode of the season.
The controversial act even featured a cameo from Hollywood heart-throb, Channing Tatum, who starred in the original Magic Mike movies, but despite many swooning over the actor and his band of near-naked buddies, some were disgusted at what they called “double standards”, arguing a performance by female strippers would never be allowed on prime time TV.
British TV presenter Piers Morgan led the criticism, saying: “So let me get this straight: F1 Grid Girls banned… Darts Walk-On Girls banned… Boxing Ring Girls banned…. But 50 male strippers on #BGTfinal2018 – happy days, ladies!”
His post racked up more than 7,000 likes and plenty of supportive comments from equally-furious viewers. One said: “@BGT I have no problem looking at a 6 pack, but would you have shown 12 women strippers taking their clothes off on stage in the final? I very much doubt it. #DoubleStandards”
Another added: “Absolutely disgraceful the double standards in the world, podium girls are completely unacceptable, but a dozen half naked men dry humping the stage on @BGT while every female in the crowd screams is totally acceptable, would love to see the reaction if it was the other way.”
Many commenters referred to Formula One’s decision in February to scrap the iconic Grid Girls ahead of the Australian Grand Prix, claiming the practice is no longer appropriate. For years, each race has started with scantily clad women standing on the track and throwing down the flag to kick off the race, but Formula One claimed the practice “does not resonate with brand values and clearly is at odds with modern day societal norms”.
Read more: Formula 1 to scrap grid girls to match ‘modern day societal norms’
“@BGT So what producer thought Magic Mike would be family friendly enough for the final? There’s kids watching this,” one commenter wrote.
Another added: “Magic Mike is not appropriate for family viewing on BGT final #BGTFinal @ITV #discretion.”
It’s not the first time male strippers have appeared on a family talent show. A strip group previously appeared on Britain’s Got Talent in 2015, and in 2012, male strippers performed on Australia’s Got Talent. However, with a recent push towards women’s equality and with the MeToo movement shining a light on double standards against women in the workplace, the idea of exploiting the male body for entertainment hits a little too close to home for many people.