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How a home visit from a manicurist gave me a new lease on life

Jul 10, 2017
Sue has a new lease on life and is really able to smell the roses.

Now, those who are familiar with my articles will know that the last few years haven’t been exactly ‘vintage’ years for me. I’ve had lots of health issues to contend with.

Whilst I was recuperating from a frightening COPD exacerbation, I decided to treat myself and found the services of a home visiting nail technician. Rachel is a lovely young woman, very thorough, extremely good at her job, and she also uses natural therapies. As we talked, she suggested I try using turmeric and MACA – organic, 1000mg of both. It was clear that the turmeric was having some impact on my ailments but I wasn’t sure about the MACA, yet I persisted.

I’m now into my second bottles of 100 tablets, and in the last three weeks I’ve become very aware of a huge turn around in my general wellbeing. At first, I was reluctant to even talk about it, fearing it would put the mockers on me!

Well, no more! I just have to share this with you all.

I’ve had improvements in my clarity of mind, focus, motivation, energy, and emotional wellbeing. Even my personal presentation has improved!

From my perspective, the changes in myself have been nothing less than miraculous. I have no other way to explain it.  The only prescribed medication I take is a nerve blocker to aid in the pain management associated with a compressed nerve in my lower back. I’m the world’s worst pill taker and would rather tough it out than resort to popping copious quantities of Ibuprofen or Paracetamol.

I’ve subsequently added Vitamin C, Mega B, and Inner Health Plus to my morning regime. I still don’t like taking pills and have almost choked when taking those bullets on more than one occasion but I will persist!  I haven’t felt this well in myself for the last nine years. In fact, I’m feeling like the old me more and more each day (what started this downhill spiral in my health was the second episode of treatment-resistant, severe clinical depression that commenced in late 2008)!

I realise that every person is different when responding to any sort of medication and I can only tell you of my experience. In the words of Rachel Hunter, “It won’t happen overnight but it will happen.”

Have you experienced a health turn-around after using natural supplements?

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