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‘What did you get for Christmas?’

Dec 26, 2020
Julie ponders on the real gifts of Christmas. Source: Getty

Oh, look, Santa’s been! At my house it’s a small Christmas tree and some thoughtful, well-wrapped presents.

What did Father Christmas bring you? Sounds grabby, but the gift is in the giving. I got a TattsLotto bundle! Yes, hope I win.

I check the numbers after the lotto draw. No prizes. Who came second? It’s like a wheel of fortune, hoping to be lucky. Who wins what?

Did I lose in love? Yes, I won the ‘Ratslotto’ booby prize. Maybe some women are never lucky in love. Maybe I had bad taste in pitiful excuses for men. Or maybe I dumbed down in life, with my fat-boy fetish.

No one is a perfect human. Anyone can mistakes. It is hard to see anything good in so-called men who abuse women for being kind, washing their underwear, and doing the bins. Not to mention nuking their food in the microwave for them every night. Let’s all have a moan. Never mind, we are women, we always need someone to look after. As a single, divorced woman, like my friends, we look after the geriatric parents, who could not get better daughters.

So, what did I win? What did I really get for Christmas? Santa brought me peace of mind. I could not do any better in this situation. No one is really alone. We can all wake up with a smile on our faces, having the ability to laugh at chaff. Most days I wake up with a positive mental attitude. Sometimes, there is no closure. So, instead of turning back and dwelling on the past, fill each day with positive plans. If women stay positive, especially through this pandemic, we shall all win something.

Really, I won kindness and tolerance with patience as well. Santa brings me health that is wealth, a positive attitude and the knowledge that everything is good as gold.

So I won ‘Ratslotto’, and its booby prizes. Lots of women never have what they want in life – a sincere, reliable, trustworthy male.

But that is not the end of the world. I have some quality lady friends for coffees and cyber hugs. Maybe we shall all get a nice surprise in our Christmas stocking next year from Santa.

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Even though I’m retired, I still use LinkedIn
by Mary McGrath

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