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Being a ‘super adult’ isn’t about being PC, it’s just more fun

Nov 17, 2017
Old is an attitude. not a number, Paul McKeon says.

There was a great response to the recently asked question about being described as a ‘senior’ or a ‘super adult’. Some liked ‘super adult’, others hated it, and many commented about issues relating to getting older.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to comment.

As the author of the article, I’d like to point out that the idea behind ‘super adult’ is to treat the whole issue of living through our 60s and 70s in a more light-hearted fashion. It’s really about not taking ourselves too seriously and demonstrating that older people have a good sense of humour.

My personal opinion is that as we mature, our real age is determined more by our attitude than by the date on our birth certificate. I have met some people who are ‘old’ in their 50s while I know others who are active, involved in life and making the most of every day well into their 80s.

Super adults is a new description and like many new things, it will take time to gain wide acceptance. It’s been created, not as a piece of political correctness, (something I loathe) but as a humorous pushback against the stereotyping of older people as ‘past it’.

It’s my passionate belief that most people in their 60s and 70s are still capable members of society who have plenty to offer.

Super adults can be the exact opposite of the various patronising descriptions that our youth-obsessed society often uses to describe older people.

Let’s face it – today’s super adults are just older versions of the feisty young people who changed the world in the 1960s and ’70s.

We mightn’t look quite as spunky now, but on the upside, we’ve learnt a lot about life and hopefully gained some wisdom.

Most of us still have our sense of humour and the term ‘super adults’ was coined to show the world that we still have plenty of living to do.

How do you feel about the term ‘super adult’? Do you consider you have a good sense of humour?

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