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A true talent is releasing pain…

Jul 25, 2014

“People think I cause them pain, what they don’t realise is that the pain is in them and I just release it”. This was told to me some years back by a very enthusiastic masseur. I remembered these words well today when I was experiencing an equally enthusiastic masseur in Thailand giving me one of those two hour massages they are renowned for.

To take my mind off how much it was hurting… or should I say how much pain I was releasing… I began to reflect on how often this is a metaphor in our lives. Oh dear- here she goes again! Well I could see some parallels, especially with the coaching that I do. I don’t take the pain away from my clients, but thankfully through years of practice tinged with a multitude of life experiences, I have the privilege of assisting them to release their pain. I know that I could not be effective in my roles if I hadn’t experienced many painful moments that others have helped me to release.

So here I am in Thailand working on a project which I hope will allow children and adults to release their pain of disadvantage by creating exciting and innovative programs that will allow them to keep pace with their more fortunate peers in their desire to become fluent in English.

We are using karaoke as a means of engaging them as everybody here loves karaoke.

Yesterday I had a meeting with an influential parliamentarian who is interested in promoting the program especially as it involves singing. He has given us some guidelines and expectations he would need met if he was going to take the next step. Oh and he told us that the Thai people do not like our Aussie accent so could we have voice overs with a more English accent. This was good to know and I was not offended. Once I would have felt daunted and maybe even given up at the enormity of the task, but now I know I don’t have to do it alone – there are always many willing hands. Together we can make it happen. I am only too well aware that the number of years left for me to do what I feel I am here to do are dwindling and as I was a late starter, I am enjoying making up for lost time.

I am here for another two weeks and have a number of meetings and some speaking engagements which I will enjoy. It gives me a chance to speak proudly about the country I love and become more aware of how we can all work together to release some of the pain people are experiencing in this world. I know some cringe at the word hope but it’s a step in the right direction if we can help others become more resilient, knowing that after a storm comes moments of  sunshine.

Now I’m off for a hot shower to release a bit more of the pain my body is experiencing. I tend to get too tensed up when I am enthusiastic about something – which is most of the time! I may have already mentioned that I once had a husband that said I was the only person he knew who could walk across the road and have an adventure. Sadly he did not mean it as a compliment!

Of course walking across the road in Thailand is always an adventure but I’m curious to know what other adventures lie ahead…

Have you helped to relieve someone’s pain? How? What did you do? Or has someone done something to help you relieve yours? Share your stories with us in the comments below… 

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