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What you need to know about clove oil for ailments

This powerful oil can do wonders for you in multiple ways!

Throughout history, cloves have been used for treating a number of conditions. Apart from being used in potpourri, cloves are also used in cooking to add flavour to dishes. Clove oil, in particular, has come into the spotlight over the last few years for its expansive health benefits.

Some of these benefits are listed below. You never know, clove oil may be able to help you with one of your ailments.

1. Anti-aging skincare

The active ingredients in clove oil stimulate and increase blood flow underneath the shin. Rubbing a small bit of clove oil on the skin with a cloth can help lessen the effects of aging skin like wrinkles and sagging. This method can also rejuvenate the look around the eyes, making a person look more awake and alert.

2. Treats indigestion and nausea

Clove oil can help with a number of stomach related issues including indigestion, nausea, hiccups, motion sickness and even flatulence. A great way to take clove oil and cloves regularly, is to add it to your cooking. 

3. Improves blood circulation

Clove oil has been known to increase the body’s metabolism, circulation and reduce body temperature. The active ingredient of Eugenol in clove oil causes an increase in blood flow, which in turn oxygenates that blood to raise organ efficiency. This increase in circulation also reduces the tension in blood vessels and can help prevent headaches.

4. Reduces gum disease

Clove oil has been used in dentistry for many years as a germicide, pain reliever and as a treatment for gum disease. Even today clove oil is used as an active ingredient of many types of mouthwash and tooth treatments. Gargling clove oil can soothe toothaches and can even help ease throat irritation as an added bonus. Clove oil has been known to prevent cavities and protect teeth from plaque build-up and gum disease.

5. Boosts energy and immunity

Normal cloves and clove oil are both effective at boosting the overall immunity of the body. Clove oil has been known to purify the blood, increase resistance against colds and flu and work to provide protection against viral infection. Also the antioxidants in clove oil free the body from many of the dangerous free radical particles that cause cancer and heart problems. Free radical are rogue cells that are often a by-product of chemical process’ in the body.

6. Treating infections

The antiseptic properties of clove oil make it effective in treating bruises, wounds, cuts, scabies, fungal infections, and even insect bites. You can also use it as an insect repellent. Just make sure you use a diluted form because it can be harsh on sensitive skin.

7. Controlling diabetes

As mentioned, clove oil is effective at purifying the blood. It can also help control the sugar level in the bloodstream. Clove oil does this by regulation postprandial insulin and glucose response mechanisms in the body. The active ingredient of phenol causes this effect.

Just remember to dilute clove oil if you’re are using it because it can be quite potent on its own.

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