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Number one pop single of 1971!


This song is probably most known for the nonsensical first line “Jeremiah was a bullfrog”. The song was written by Hoyt Axton and famously recorded by the Three Dog Night. The song remained at number one on the billboard charts and was the number one pop song of 1971.

When Axton pitched the song to the group, two of the members Cory Wells and Danny Hutton rejected the song however Chuck Negron felt like the song would be good for the group to get them working together in a fun an lighthearted way. Years later Negron commented that he song “wasn’t even close to our best record, but it might have been one of our most honest”.

Interesting when the “Joy to the World” hit number one, Hoyt and his mother Mae Axton became the first mother and son to have written a number one single in the rock era.

Do you love this song or do you think it is a bit silly?

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