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When was the last time a stranger made you smile?


A smile can be contagious.  At least that is the thinking behind a new video that is sweeping the net.  Normally, prank videos are mean but in this one the maker just wants to put a smile on a stranger’s face by telling them they deserve it.

American YouTuber Mustafa Hussain has a number of videos of him trying to make people’s days a little bit brighter.

There were so many wonderful comments on the video but one stood out from the company Hershey’s the makers of the chocolate that Mustafa used saying, “Mustafa, thank you for making such an inspiring video. You went above and beyond to spread happiness, so now it’s our turn. Check your email for a message from us so we can send a smile your way.”

One person can make a difference in a stranger’s day.

When was the last time you received or did a random act of kindness to put a smile on someone’s face?

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