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Teachers must hear the funniest things


Kids are funny little things, most of the time you never know what is going to come out of their mouth. This joke, sent in by one of our community members, highlights just that. I often wonder how many hilarious things teachers hear in a day, enough to write a book of jokes I’m sure.

A little boy goes to school and tells his teacher he found a dead cat.

The teacher asked him how he knew it was dead.

The little boy says cause I pissed in his ear.

The teacher was shocked and said “you did what!”

The little boy says “yeah I bent over him and went pssst in his ear and he didn’t move.


Were you a teacher? Have you heard some funny things from students or grandkids before?

Thanks to Lynne for sharing this joke with us.

Do you have a funny joke, email or story to share? Submit them here.

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