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Daily Joke: Dancing to the music of laughter


A guy walks into the doctor’s office and says, “Doc, I haven’t had a bowel movement in a week!”

The doctor gives him a prescription for a mild laxative and tells him, “If it doesn’t work, let me know.”

A week later the guy is back: “Doc, still no movement!”

The doctor says, “Hmm, guess you need something stronger,” and prescribes a powerful laxative.

Still another week later the poor guy is back: “Doc, STILL nothing!”

The doctor, worried, says, “We’d better get some more information about you to try to figure out what’s going on. What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a musician,” the man said.

The doctor looks up and says, “Well, that’s it! Here’s $10.00. Go get something to eat!”

As soon as the singer completed a song, the audience were screaming “Once More! Once More!”

The singer obliged and sang the song again. She couldn’t believe it when the audience screamed for her to sing it again. This was then repeated another 10 times.

Then singer overjoyed at the response from the audience thanked them and asked them why they were so interested to hear the same song again and again.

One of the people in the audience replied, “We didn’t think it could get any worse.  We were wrong.”

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Daily Joke: A husband and wife were sitting together having their morning coffee
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