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Genius hack for bringing the groceries inside


Grocery shopping can be enough of a chore as it is, so any tricks to make it simpler, and get it over and done with more quickly are most welcome. 

There’s a good chance most of us are guilty of trying to carry too many shopping bags at once in order to avoid having to make multiple trips back to the car. After all, by the time you get home with the shopping you’re no doubt tired after walking around the busy shops, unloading and reloading your trolley, paying, and finally getting it all in to your car. Bringing the shopping in can be especially tiresome if you’ve got stairs to negotiate. 

The great news is you don’t need to struggle with multiple bags cutting off circulation in your fingers and hands any longer! Try this simple, yet rather genius solution to making your groceries easy to carry and bring into the house, saving trips back to the car. 

Place two (or more) laundry baskets in the boot of your car. The ergonomic baskets that hug your waist and are easy to hold are best for comfort, but any laundry basket will do. When you’ve finished your shop, unload your bags directly into the baskets, taking care to distribute the weight evenly so you don’t end up with one really heavy basket. 

When you get home, you’ll easily be able to take your groceries inside in the baskets, and save yourself making numerous trips to the car. Using baskets has the added advantage of stopping your bags falling over and spilling items out into your car!

Do you have any other great tips to make the weekly shop easier? 

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