If you’re a game-enthusiast than it’s likely you’ve heard of the popular online 5 letter-game Wordle – and Canberra has just been crowned the world’s best city at it.
With Perth, Melbourne and Adelaide also making the cut for the world’s top ten Wordle players, Australia is being deemed fourth-best country at the globally-adopted game.
As revealed in the data, Canberra took an average of 3.58 guesses per game to crack the given five-letter word, with cities Jerusalem in Israel, Malmӧ in Sweden and Durban in South Africa scoring a close average of 3.66 guesses per game.
The website commented on their findings, hinting to Canberra’s “nerd minority” as being the defining factor of their success on the game.
“We suspect that to a very niche and very passionate nerd minority, these figures count for a lot,” the website wrote.
Cities including Brisbane and Gold Coast were found to require more guesses than the world average to solve the mystery of their daily five-letter word.
The game was originally developed and published by Welsh software engineer, Josh Wardle, before he sold the Wordle app to The New York Times company for an undisclosed seven-digit sum in January, 2022.
Wordtips, the platform that released the data, works by using “user-generated tweet results results presented in the game’s iconic emoji grid format, with the tweets filtered by location and the hashtag #wordle.” The website also published a map revealing an in-depth look at the countries which are the best at solving Wordle, revealing Sweden as number one.
Wordle’s signature user-share function is described as an “instantly recognisable” and “attention-grabbing grid” which many deem to be an influential role-player in the game’s global success, which, according to CNet, sees over 300,000 players daily.
The word-based game works by allowing players a total of six chances to guess the daily five-letter word, with right letters revealed in yellow and wrong letters revealed in grey. Players are also allowed to enter five burner words which provide them with hints regarding the correct letters and their placement before they are then given one chance to utilise the hints. Alternatively, players can guess the daily word in one, two or three attempts.
Over the years, Canberra has made regular appearances in world rankings, having previously been ranked as Australia’s most liveable city a number of times. Canberra has also earned it place as one of the world’s most vaccinated cities.