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Couple marry after 72 years together


Some of us rushed to get married in our 20s or 30s but for this couple of 72 years, it wasn’t exactly possible, or even accepted when they were younger. That’s because Alice “Nonie” Dubes and Vivian Boyack live in Iowa and a bill to allow gay marriage was only passed in 2009. They finally married last Saturday and it was a real testament to love, whatever your gender.

Same sex marriage is still a hot debate in Australian politics and while Tony Abbott isn’t exactly on board, many senators and MPs have voiced their support for legalisation of gay marriage in Australia. Plenty of countries have allowed it for years and this story of Nonie and Vivian makes me wonder how many older Aussies are in relationships where they cannot be wed and they have had to hide their love for their same sex partner for many years. It’s sad to think they’re could be loyal couples such as these ladies who have had decades together and they can’t have a piece of paper to reflect that.

Speaking to The Guardian, the pair, 90 and 91 years old, tell of meeting in 1942 when they were just teenagers. Their love affair “just hit us immediately…kind of like a regular marriage, the boy-and-girl meet…that was just the way we were”, said Nonie. Iowa is one of the more conservative American states so the couple had kept their relationship hidden until their wedding day last Saturday, but were overwhelmed at the support they received.

Nonie and Vivian had a lovely ceremony in their church of 66 years – that’s right: they’re devoted Christians. And their Reverend couldn’t be happier for them…despite a belief, particularly in our country, that Christians would oppose gay marriage when in fact some really do care about the person instead of their sexual preference.

“The church has always loved these two ladies, and is proud to be able to have Vivian and Nonie get married in a place where they have always been loved and accepted”, said Reverend Linda Hunsaker.

On their long road to the altar, Nonie said,  “I think a lot of people knew, but didn’t ever say anything and we didn’t tell them”.

Reverend Hunsaker said that the couple are a model pair and have lasted beyond a lot of other heterosexual marriages.

For now, we have to wait until same sex marriage is legalised but is it restricting dedicated older partnerships in our society?

What do you think? Are you in a same sex relationship and would like to be married? Or do you know a couple similar to Nonie and Vivian? Tell us your stories below.


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