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7 creative anniversary ideas


Planning an anniversary can sometimes be a daunting and difficult task. Some people may decide to throw a party to celebrate with their entire family and others may be looking for a more intimate experience.

We’ve come up with a few creative ideas for you to do with your partner on your next anniversary.

The celebration doesn’t need to be lavish or costly, and can be memorable with just a little bit of planning. Whatever you decide to do for you and your beloved’s special day, try to incorporate the following ideas to reaffirm your connection together.


1. Relive your first date

It’s likely that the restaurant you went to may have shut down and the place you went stargazing is no longer accessible or perhaps you no longer even live in the same country where you first met! Even if you can’t exactly replicate your first date, you can try to relive those memorises at a new location.

2. Recreate your wedding night menu

For those of you who are really ambitious, try to recreate your wedding cake! It can be a fun challenge to try and bake together. But just in case it doesn’t turn out make sure you buy a back up cake from the store!

3. Do a little photo shoot

Make a list of your favourite places around town or places that hold special meaning to you and your significant other. Take a couple shots together at these locations. Or, another idea is to simply take a photo together each anniversary and keep an album for these special memories.

4. Make an anniversary mix

Put together a CD with songs from the year you were married. Then either stay home and dance to the songs or go somewhere special to relax and listen together.

5. Do something new 

Try to do something together that is different from your everyday routine. The best way to create a memorable anniversary is to do something new as a couple – stretch yourselves a bit! Yes, it may be expensive but for certain anniversary milestones it could be nice to splurge a bit. For instance, go travel abroad or take a hot air balloon ride! New experiences reinforce the shared bond you already have and create strong new memories.

6. Go to an outdoor movie 

Going to a drive-in/outdoor movie may seem a bit cheesy but it can make for a memorable evening together. You can pack your favourite snack, comfy blanket and maybe even some champagne to celebrate the special occasion.

7. Just be together

Take the time off from your daily routine, turn off your phone and just spend quality time together. Keep it simple and celebrate your life together because that is what your anniversary is all about.


What is your most memorable anniversary date? What are you planning on doing this year? Share with us below! 

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