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The 6 Medical Tests Every Over 60 Needs


When was the last time you visited the doctor? As we age, our minds and bodies change. Because of this, a regular doctors check-up is a little more full on as we get older. There are some tests that we need to have to ensure our good health. These are six of the most important medical exams you should be having. Which ones have you had? How long ago?


Thyroid Test

Thyroid tests are important as issues may lead to weight gain, hormone imbalances and decreasing energy levels. Ageing is one of the factors that can contribute to an inefficient, slow thyroid. When your T hormone (the hormone produced by the thyroid) is low, you will usually require medications to boost the hormone production. There are a range of medications and alternative therapies that you can use to rebalance your thyroid. It is recommended that you have a thyroid test every five years.

Colonoscopy and Rectal Exams

The dreaded colonoscopy is something that we all try not to think about. But unfortunately, it is one of the most important tests to have as you get older. A colonoscopy and rectal exams checks for issues that range from enlarged prostates for men, to colon cancer to gastrointestinal problems. When you turn 60, doctors recommend you make it common practice to have both of these tests every year.

Cholesterol Tests

As you age, your cholesterol increases. Cholesterol is a group of healing cells that work to fight scarring and inflammation in your body. The more inflammation and scaring you have, the higher your cholesterol will be. There are a range of lifestyle factors that can contribute to increased cholesterol levels. Stress, an unhealthy diet and a lack of exercise all contribute to high cholesterol levels. You should have a cholesterol test every five years when you have reached 60. If you do have high cholesterol, your doctor will be likely to prescribe some cholesterol-lowering medication.

Blood Pressure

As you age, your blood pressure is likely to increase. This is due to a number of factors- both diet and lifestyle related. Blood pressure tests are easy to do, and you should have one every time you visit the doctor. If you have high blood pressure, there are home blood pressure test kits available to help you control your blood pressure at home.

Pap Smear and Pelvic Exam

Women, here’s looking at you!  These two tests  are female specific and can help to catch any signs of cervical cancer. If you have a pap smear every three years, you will reduce the number of times you require specific cervical cancer screening. Pap smears are recommended every three years and a cervical cancer screen should be done every five years.

Skin Cancer Test

Skin cancer is a silent killer. You may not spend much time in the sun now, but your beautiful beach holidays when you were growing up, before the days of sunscreen, are starting to take their toll on you. Anyone is at risk of skin cancer. If you have a large number of freckles or moles, you should have them checked regularly and tracked by your GP for changes which are indicative of cancer.


So, safeguard yourself against some of the diseases and conditions that target ageing people by taking these tests regularly. You want to give yourself the best chance of good health possible, so be preventative rather than reactive when it comes to your health.


Which of the above tests have you had? When are you due for your next one? 

IMPORTANT LEGAL INFO This article is of a general nature and FYI only, because it doesn’t take into account your personal health requirements or existing medical conditions. That means it’s not personalised health advice and shouldn’t be relied upon as if it is. Before making a health-related decision, you should work out if the info is appropriate for your situation and get professional medical advice.

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