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The simple joys of comfort foods

Jul 01, 2017
We all have at least one food that always makes us feel better.

At our age, and with nature taking its course we all have, I am sure, some dietary restrictions. Well, I know I do.

But even so I think we all find comfort in some foods that we do gravitate to when the need to be comforted takes over.

I have a kidney disease which requires me to not eat a lot of things.

Two things I can eat and do, even though my dietitian frowns a little at me are two biscuits I love to make.

One is a rolled oats biscuit, the other is a honey and ginger biscuit.

They are simple to make:

The rolled oats biscuits start with a cup of self-raising flour, two cups of rolled oats, 100 grams of unsalted butter, an egg, a teaspoon of both cinnamon and ginger, a half cup of sugar (I use an artificial sweetener), throw in quarter cup of apple sauce and away you go.

Form into balls of goodness and bake at about 180C for twelve minutes. They have become a food I enjoy several times a day.

As a part of my diet, I take them wherever I go, packed in a sandwich bag, stowed in my trusty cooler so I can devour them at any given time. In summer they are best eaten frozen, when they are at their crunchiest.

For the honey ginger biscuits, sift two cups of flour; I use a cup of self-raising and a cup of plain, a teaspoon of cinnamon and ginger powder, mix together an egg, 100 grams of unsalted butter, a half cup of honey and a half cup of sugar (as above I use artificial sweetener). Add this to the sifted flour mix and combine. Leave for an hour before making them into little balls; they tend to spread when cooked, and bake at 180C for twelve minutes. Take from the oven and allow to cool for a few minutes before you place them on a cake cooler.

These biscuits I also freeze and eat frozen, though they do thaw quickly.

I have used wholemeal flour at times but I find it doesn’t like to be sifted.

I am sure we all have some foods we would say are our comfort foods.

What are the foods you find yourself turning to for comfort?

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