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Should you be taking ‘smart drugs’?

Nov 25, 2017
People at various stages of life are turning to alternative methods of treatment, such as the use of nootropics. Source: Pixabay

People at various stages of life are turning to alternative methods of treatment, such as the use of nootropics.

Nootropics is an umbrella term used to describe a class of chemicals — some occur naturally and some are man-made — that provide cognitive effects benefiting the human brain.

These chemicals are often used to:

  • Enhance memory
  • Enhance ability to learn
  • Increase the efficacy of neuronal firing control mechanisms
  • Aid in sleep
  • Help the brain function accurately during disruptive conditions

… and various other scenarios.

However, as with most substances, many people find themselves asking who nootropics are safe for. For example, are nootropics for over-60s a good idea?

Although our youth is the main group who has popularised nootropics, they actually have a lot of benefits that pertain particularly to an older population.

Of course, the body is very fragile and only becomes more fragile as the ageing process goes on. However, there are many benefits of nootropics that could be as useful or even more useful specifically for older people.

How can older people benefit from nootropics?

The most common use for nootropics in the over-60s is to improve memory or help combat some form of memory loss you might be experiencing. Scientists around the world have tested nootropics, with much of their focus being on Alzheimer’s disease.

In one study done in the spring of 2008, researchers administered Noopept for one week to lab mice suffering from Alzheimer’s. Then, a different set of mice were given a further dose two weeks later.

The researchers found that the mice suffering from Alzheimer’s had actually normalised; even when the drug was administered later, it still positively impacted the affected lab rats.

They have found that most human patients displayed observable, positive benefits with their Alzheimer’s disease as a result of taking nootropics.

The benefits don’t stop there either.

Nootropics can also help with things like combatting post-surgery fogginess. The majority of people who undergo a coronary bypass are over the age of 65, and then there are still other major surgeries popular among elderly people such as hip replacement surgery.

While these surgeries are necessary to repair a major issue or injury, they can be hard on an ageing body leaving the patient feeling exhausted and ‘out of it’.

Nootropics have a positive effect on both long- and short-term cognition. Not only do they have a positive effect on cognition, but they have that positive effect specifically in older patients.

As a result, older patients receiving nootropics typically recover faster than other patients.

The final answer is…

There seems to be a lot of favourable evidence to suggest older people should use nootropics if they find that one of the benefits of using a particular nootropic would pertain to their situation.

As you age, you want to be as comfortable as possible and if there is a healthy and safe way to help avoid being utterly exhausted or to enhance your memory, why would you not use it?

Nootropics are easily accessible, safe, and beneficial making them a great way to combat some of the unavoidable signs of aging. Chances are, if you have some sort of age-related ailment — whether it is memory loss, sleeping problems, or something else — there is a nootropic that can help combat it.

Most elderly people find it is best to start with a nootropic that helps with some form of neuronal loss that most older people experience. But, it is all about finding what will work best for you.

Have you used nootropics before or do you know someone who does use them? Share your experiences with us in the comments.

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