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Men without benefits: A poem by a woman looking for her relations

Finding 'friends with benefits' isn't always as easy in one's later years. Source: Getty

Starts at 60 community blogger Jennifer Lockhart shared this poem she wrote with us and, with her permission, we’re bringing it to to SAS readers to enjoy. Let us know what you think!

As I enter the golden age of life, I have noticed that most men come without benefits.
You may well ask, “what are benefits?”
To my way of thinking, benefits are sexual relations.
I believe that women and men alike crave a close relationship, one that offers it all
Friendship, companionship and, of course, a healthy sexual relationship (benefits).
My sexual relations seem to have left town …
They did not leave a forwarding address, nor did they say good bye. They just up and went, poof, just like that.
I have searched high and low for them, to no avail.
I keep thinking they may reappear some day. There is always hope. Where there is life there is hope.
My journey through life has been great. It has had highs and lows, but there was always those benefits, they helped me through many a rough patch.
These days, most men I meet have also lost their sexual relations. I am sure they too would love to find them again. Most that I have spoken to say that sexual relations are quite hard to cope with in old age. This is very sad. They feel they are let down time and again.
To those lucky enough to have a man with benefits, treasure him, dote on him, and never let him go.
He is a rarity. You may never find another.
Me, well I live in hope. I still enjoy the company of one without benefits, but oh, how I long to find those missing sexual relations.

Have you found thought the same as Jennifer in recent years? Or are you and your other half as hot to trot as ever?

Keen to put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard, to share your thoughts with other 60-pluses? Join the Starts at 60 Bloggers Club here to talk to other writers in the SAS community and learn more about how to write for SAS.

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