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July Horoscope: It’s time to achieve ‘concrete things’

Jun 25, 2023

The first Supermoon, aka the “Buck” Supermoon, of the year is upon us and will grace our skies overnight on Monday, July 3.

While supermoons traditionally bring turbulence, this one is appearing in Capricorn, meaning stability is calling. 

Although if you’re already quite stable, then you may become more aware of the need for some excitement in your life! Supermoons are closer to the Earth than full moons – so they’re like full moons on steroids.

This Buck Supermoon will be in Capricorn and opposite the Sun and Mercury in Cancer. This could affect our careers, home lives, family, nurturing environments, and general life structures. Communication and ideas about these could become a little tense.

But despite its name, Capricorns are not usually “bucks” at all – they like structure and stability, they are cautious, conservative and traditional, with strong family values.

As a result, this supermoon will most probably be calling people to gain more stability in their personal and work lives. The moon may pressure us to become more grounded and to work harder – with a real focus on persistence and determination.

But this particular moon especially calls for change and listening to our emotions. While there’s an emphasis on work, Cancer energy is encouraging us to stay home and rest.

Because there are conflicting energies at play – it’s not going to be a good time for people who already feel stuck, as they’ll feel increasing pressure.

The message is to know when it’s time to slow down from all this hard work; enjoy the moment and remember the important things in life. Let your mind, body, and soul rest.

While the spiritual effects of the Buck Supermoon will be felt by everyone, because it will appear in Capricorn, people of this star sign, along with other cardinal signs Aries, Cancer and Libra, can expect to experience its force most.

But no one gets off Scot free, everyone is affected to some extent! 

Because supermoons do traditionally bring with them turbulence, relationship issues will certainly come to the surface. It may be a highly emotional time and there will be an association with women – and particularly mothers. 

Lastly, Venus will also be going retrograde from July 23 to September 4Venus’s energy is associated with relationships, sex can be involved but is not the entire focus. 

Love and affection, the re-evaluation of relationships, and self-care and self-reflection will all be at play. You may revisit past pleasures with an old lover… but relationships could also go quiet, and your partner may become distant. I’d encourage people to spend time on themselves. It’s also a time to look at values and decide whether money is really that important.

Rose Smith’s June Horoscopes:

Difficult aspects between the Moon and Mercury/Sun may see miscommunications or disagreements. Awesome Aries go gently at the start of the month. Your life may become more out there. Use caution – especially oversharing on your socials. You may also be thrust into the limelight even if you would prefer to walk the other way.

However, you can make this work and pull off something great, especially in your career or with an authority figure such as a parent. It’s time to bring some practicality and structure into your life and you will be encouraged to do so. At the same time, pay attention to your own feelings as there could be a tendency to be overly self-sufficient. Remember, balanced in logic, emotions arise, and practicality meets feelings – a harmonious prize.

The practical Buck Moon is encouraging you to grow and expand your life. Even if you feel in two minds about expanding your horizons through travel, study or spirituality, allow these inclinations to float across your mind. It might not happen immediately, but soon you will gain more clarity about your forward direction.

If you can’t manage a trip away or some study, then go to an exotic restaurant or somewhere different. You need variety now. Meeting people from overseas countries can also help you to imagine change in your life. It’s time to know through varied quests, life’s horizons we span, seeking wisdom’s embrace, our souls expand.  You may also become more interested in philosophy or religion as the ‘House of Your Higher Mind’ grows to blossom your life.

You may be tempted to hold back on your feelings, which isn’t really a good idea long term. Thinking about the situation, especially regarding joint resources, can help you if you acknowledge how you really feel deep down. Sharing with an open heart can minimise some potential issues, however, things like taxes, superannuation, wills or inheritances could still come up.

Here you need to be quite practical and down to Earth, even if you feel like running away or putting your head in the sand. Some things must be dealt with, and intimacy with another could be a focus. Intimate communications and ideas may come to mind whilst ‘in practicality’s grasp, we weave a bond, shared resources and intimacy makes a foundation so strong’.

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Significant REALationships could be on your agenda at the start of the month. It’s time for balancing practicality and emotions. Neptune and your Moon aren’t getting along very well just now which means there could be some confusion or delusion around committed partnerships, both personal and business. On the upside, your imagination is a true gift and now you may see a way to manifest physically by creating something wonderful!

As you are ruled by the Moon, emotional tendencies can easily go overboard. Or you’re busy dreaming away whilst details of the day get away from you. Keep your feet on the ground with heart’s steadiness and logic’s sight, illusion’s veil lifts so the truth shines bright!

This Full Moon gives your everyday life a bit of a shakeup by changing your routine or your everyday habits. Perhaps your everyday work or health is involved here? Try not to take on anything extra as this could load up your stress levels unnecessarily. If you’re not feeling ‘in the flow’ of life, take some time out and a deep breath!

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New changes are coming, and your communications and thoughts may reflect this. However initially, things may not go as smoothly as anticipated. Mercury is difficult at the start of the month, so allow plenty of time for all jobs, travel and beware of tricksters this month. It’s true that ‘Life’s wrinkles we smooth with grace and might, travel, health, work – a balance shining bright’…make some adjustments to your life – you can do it!

Have you been getting enough leisure and pleasure Vivacious Virgo? This Full Moon is shaking up your entertainment sector and this includes your romance zone. Get it on now…at the very least create, have fun and socialise. Of course, you may already be doing this, however, no need to get excessive about it!

You may also find you are having more to do with children or adults who act like children! Remember moderation in all things, even with fun as adults playfully dance with hearts carefree, fun and romance, in moderation we see. Sew some seeds of playfulness and you could even meet new people as a result. Thanks to Neptune, you may also be feeling a tad sensitive, however, music is soothing…so break out your old record player and dance around your housework!

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Home is where the heart is this month for you lovely Libra! The Full Moon is calling you to attend to practicalities at home or with your family. You could find yourself rectifying old jobs around the home and you may call in your family for help. Issues from earlier life may come back to you as you work at home or in the garden. Your loved ones and friends are likely to be helpful and offer support, however, easing the path for you.

Your home could be quite a sanctuary now and enjoyable visits from those close are quite likely. In the comfort of home or garden’s delight, laughter and love, warmth fills the sight. If you don’t have anyone close, find your happiness within. Do try to enjoy yourself and bask in at least some contentment, whatever your situation. You’ve earned it!

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Narky, narky, snarky…watch those comments. Mercury and the Full Moon aren’t happy so communications could be a bit tense early in the month. You could also be feeling a tad sensitive so try not to take any potential criticism to heart. Saturn can help you maintain your inner poise to rise above the situation… is it really worth taking the bait?

Set some boundaries with others and be firm when saying ‘no’.  You can be assertive now and amidst tension’s air – ascend with grace, rising above, find a higher embrace”. Your Guardian Angel has your back now and authority figures could be helpful or sympathetic. You might also consider some study or gadding about town to socialise with the locals. Chit-chat with neighbours and get some errands done.

This Full Moon brings your attention to your finances Savvy Sag! Luckily, Saturn is helping you with a plan which will bolster your money supply. Early in the month especially, unexpected outgoings could put a hole in your pocket… so allow for this by being careful with your money now. Saturn’s steady hand guides your monetary quest. Balance and caution ensure financial success.

Saturn will also help you to feel more objective even if something emotional comes up. You can put some structure around a problem and proceed forward with grace. You may also be inclined towards doing jobs that are normally somewhat tedious, as you have the right frame of mind now for success and accomplishment!

The Full Moon in your sign blesses you with grace! It’s time to get some things done and you may be feeling as if you can take on the world at the moment. Your identity and appearance could be your focus now and you may consider buying new clothes, makeup or changing your hair. It’s time to show the world the real authentic you! Liberate yourself from the past now and approach the world with more optimism and positivity.

You can really achieve something close to your heart. Unusually, you could be wearing your heart on your sleeve, showing the world your true feelings, which is a good thing! With an open heart and purpose strong, authenticity is your guide all along! So look within and drop the past, the future is calling you forward now.

Hey, there Awesomeness! It’s a spiritual time for you, so go within and examine how you feel about your life. You may feel a little more withdrawn or quieter than usual, which gives you the ability to really search your Soul about various matters in your life. Pay attention to your dreams and those little flashes you get in the daytime when you’re not doing anything in particular. Write down all your impressions, as they could come in handy later.

Both Jupiter and Saturn assist by highlighting internal matters of importance if you pay attention. Saturn would be appreciative if you could schedule some time for internal dialogue and self-reflection because 

Your friends, groups and associations become more important soon, so get out and socialise! Some new friends could soon become like family, as you grow closer. You may have only met recently, yet they feel like a comfortable shoe and the two of you just get along swimmingly!

Hopes and dreams could also be highlighted and through the Moon’s glamorous glow, they become more visible! You may come to see that with friends and associations happiness is near, where hopes and dreams align, magic suddenly appears! Responsibility, achievement, and personal ambition can come through the agency of others, especially those you feel a friendly rapport with. Align your goals to the community for greater success.


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