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Enough with all this talk of salty sausage

Mar 27, 2018
Photo: Kaboompics/Pexels

As my butcher will verify I am quite fond of the odd sausage. Pork, lamb and mint, plain or fancy, fat or thin, hot or cold, I love all of them. Nobody could call me a sausage snob because I am not shy about buying the honey-flavoured eight for $5 pack from Woolworths, and I will always buy a sausage from Bunnings.

Recently, all I saw on the news and social media was Barnaby Joyce, Barnaby Joyce and more Barnaby Joyce, and now he has lost his media spot to the almighty sausage. The media are giving the almighty banger a hammering for being salty, and its p***ing me off.

On the television news, somebody that looked about 15 years of age was saying sausages can be bad for you and its best to avoid the cheaper versions altogether. I am pretty sure all the charities and their sausage sizzles get the cheaper versions. I think all the politically correct health fanatics need to pull their heads in and take a long walk off a short pier and leave the humble sausage alone.

Nobody wants to have to go to Bunnings and not get a sausage sizzle. Nobody cares if the sausages are salty, sauce is always free, and everybody knows they are for a good cause. A lot of people go to Bunnings just for the sausages.

I am getting very p***ed off with the almighty media and health fanatics telling me what I should or should not eat. I am 65 years old, I will eat whatever the hell I want!

Do you get a sausage when you go to Bunnings? What things get under your skin? Share your stories with us.

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